Writing Assistance Using the Olympia Paragraph Protocol Impact of Napoleon Bonaparte
Step 1&2: Use active reading strategies to understand the task.
Evaluate the impact of Napoleon Bonaparte on world history.
Evaluate means “present your opinion and judgment of something. Explain the criteria you are using to judge something and apply that criteria to specific examples.
Note that the prompt asks for you to judge based on the impact on world history, not just on France or to judge Napoleon himself.
Step 3: Formulate a preliminary claim (it might need revision later).
Evaluate the impact of Napoleon Bonaparte on world history. Napoleon Bonaparte had a positive OR negative impact on world history.
Step 4&5: Collect your evidence and record it on your graphic organizer.
Supporting Evidence Napoleon re-established law and order after the turmoil of the French Revolution. France had ten years of chaos as new governments came and went, including the Reign of Terror, in which Robespierre had 16,000 people murderedFrance had ten years of chaos as new governments came and went, including the Reign of Terror, in which Robespierre had 16,000 people murdered Napoleon, as a strong leader, brought political stability back, even if he limited people’s freedoms in some ways.Napoleon, as a strong leader, brought political stability back, even if he limited people’s freedoms in some ways.
Supporting Evidence Napoleon created equality with the Napoleonic Code. His law code included many of the ideals of the Enlightenment.His law code included many of the ideals of the Enlightenment. This caused the elimination of the Estates System that existed before the revolution.This caused the elimination of the Estates System that existed before the revolution. When Napoleon took over other parts of Europe, his law code took effect there too, transforming those societies as well.When Napoleon took over other parts of Europe, his law code took effect there too, transforming those societies as well.
Supporting Evidence Napoleon spread the ideas of Nationalism and Liberalism as he built his empire. He didn’t mean to spread these ideas, but they did nonetheless and they helped cause people to revolt against him.He didn’t mean to spread these ideas, but they did nonetheless and they helped cause people to revolt against him. Though this led to his own downfall, these ideas inspired the people he conquered and led many of them to eventually get rid of absolute monarchs.Though this led to his own downfall, these ideas inspired the people he conquered and led many of them to eventually get rid of absolute monarchs.
Step 6: Revisit your claim. Revise it, if necessary.
Step 7: Write your response, using your graphic organizer to guide you. Make sure your points are in a logical order.
Step 8: Re-read and edit your response. Remember, capitalization counts in this class.