Energy Industry Analysis 2009 November 2010 The purpose of this analysis is to document the significance of Danish energy industries for the economy and employment situation, as well as the distribution of Danish energy technologies on the global market. Energy technologies and equipment refer to all goods used for the extraction, processing, and production of energy. The Danish Energy Agency, the Danish Energy Industries Federation under the Confederation of Danish Industries (DI), and the Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority collaborate on updating and revising the analysis. During the fall and winter of 2009/2010 the data basis of the analysis has undergone a thorough revision among others due to Statistics Denmark’s change from DB03 to DB07. The revised data is used in the entire analysis in order to avoid a break in data continuity. In general, sales figures from Danish energy technology companies based abroad have not been included in the analysis. Moreover, Danish consultancy services, which are often linked to exports of energy technology from Denmark, have not been included. The analysis is based on an analysis of data from official sources (Statistics Denmark and Eurostat) and is regularly updated.
Total exports of energy technologies and equipment From 2008 to 2009, exports of energy technologies and equipment decreased by 11.1 %. Other Danish goods exports declined by 15.7 %. 2009, Denmark exported energy technologies and equipment at a value of DKK 58.5 billion, corresponding to 11.7 % of total Danish goods exports. DKK 58.5 billion DKK billion
Energy technology exports’ share of total Danish goods exports 3 Exports of energy technologies and equipment account for a larger and larger share of total Danish goods exports energy technologies accounted for 11.7 %, which is a slight increase from the share was 11.1 %. In spite of a general fall in exports of Danish goods, the share of energy technologies exports has increased from 2008 to In addition, energy technologies’ export share has almost doubled from 2000 to 2009.
4 Note 1: The category ”Other” includes electricity and by-products 2009, energy technologies and equipment accounted for 62 % of total Danish exports of energy products. Oil and gas exports accounted for 35 % and exports of other energy products 3 %. All three product categories had declining export rates from 2008 to Exports of energy technologies and equipment decreased by 11.1 %, oil and gas by 32.9 % and finally exports of other energy products decreased by 43.2 %. Exports of energy products
Exports of energy technologies and equipment from Denmark and EU15 The effects of the international financial crisis seem to have had a less severe impact on the Danish exports of energy technologies and equipment than on other EU15 countries’ exports. From 2008 to 2009, EU15’s total exports of energy technologies dropped by 18.7 %. By comparison, Danish energy technologies exports decreased by 11.1 %.
When looking at the share of energy technologies relative to the individual country's overall goods exports in 2009, Denmark was once again the greatest exporter of energy technologies and equipment compared to the other EU15 countries. Denmark is therefore still holding a leading position followed by Italy, Finland and Sweden. 2008, Denmark was followed by Italy, Germany and Austria. Despite the international crisis, all four countries at the top have seen their share of energy technologies exports relative to the overall goods exports increase from 2008 to The EU15 average shows no change in the same period. The share of energy technologies exports from EU15 countries
The ten largest export markets for Danish energy technologies 7 Germany continues to be the largest export market for Danish energy technologies In spite of a decrease in exports of 21.1 %, Germany continues to be the largest importer of Danish energy technologies. Danish companies exported energy technology and equipment to the German market at a value of DKK 9 billion in 2009, which constitutes 15 % of total Danish energy technologies exports. Additionally, most of the Danish imports of energy technologies and equipment come from German companies. USA, UK and Sweden continue to be the second, third and forth most important markets for Danish exports of energy technologies and equipment. However, energy technologies exports to the US, UK and Sweden have in total dropped by 7.5 % from 2008 to 2009, and had in 2009 a value of DKK 17.2 billion. As a new development, Singapore now features on the list of the ten largest export markets. However, Canada no longer holds the rank as no. 10 on the list No.Inporting country DKK billion 1 Germany USA UK Sweden France and Monaco Singapore China Norway Spain Italy2.03 % of total exports of energy tech. & equip ment
8 Note 1: The BRICs refer to Brazil, Russia, India and China Exports of energy technologies and equipment by groups of countries 2009, 60.3 % of Danish exports of energy technologies and equipment, corresponding to a value of DKK 35.3 billion, went to countries within the EU27. The second largest market was North America. Exports to EU27 declined by 11.3 % from 2008 to Similarly, exports to North America and the BRICs dropped by 27.2 % and 18 % respectively. In contrast, energy technology exports to Southeast Asia and the Middle East saw positive growth rates.
9 Danish exports to Europe (EU27) The European market is of great significance to Danish exports of energy technologies and equipment. 2009, 60.3 % of the energy technologies exports were imported by countries within EU , it was 60.4 %. In spite of the fact that the European market is becoming more and more important to Danish exports of energy technologies and equipment, exports decreased by 11.3 % from 2008 to Other Danish goods exports declined by 18.4 %.
10 Danish exports to North America From 2008 to 2009, exports of energy technologies and equipment dropped by 27.2 %, which corresponds to exports of a value of DKK 7.5 billion in By comparison, the export value was DKK 10.4 billion in Other Danish goods exports decreased by 1.5 %. This development differentiates itself from the overall picture, where other Danish goods exports are more influenced by the international crisis than exports of energy technologies and equipment. 2009, the North American market received 12.9 % of Danish energy technologies and equipment exports it was 15.7 %.
Danish imports of energy technologies and equipment , the Danish import of energy technologies and equipment had a value of DKK 40.9 billion, corresponding to 9.3 % of total Danish imports of goods. Danish imports of energy technologies has increased by % from 2000 to Within the same period of time, other imports of goods increased by 15.1 % – 2009 however, other imports of goods experienced a decline of 22.2 %. By comparison, imports of energy technologies decreased by 5.1 %. 2009, 67.1 % of the imported energy technologies and equipment came from countries within the EU27. Only 1.5 % was imported from Northern America. DKK 40.9 billion DKK billion
12 Note 1: The basis year 2000 was chosen in order to maintain data continuity through the time series, as Statistics Denmark is now using DB07. For this part of the analysis, 2008 is the most recently updated year. Note 2: The figures for turnover, added value and employment are based on company statistics from Statistics Denmark. Data from these statistics are published once every year in the autumn. However, figures from the company statistics are around two years behind the current year. From 2007 to 2008, the turnover of Danish energy technology industries saw an increase of 23.1 %. This growth is significantly larger than the increase in turnover of the total Danish industry, where turnover grew by 6.2 %. 2008, turnover in the Danish energy technology industries constituted 13.7 % of total turnover in Danish industry overall. By comparison, the share was 8.6 % in Since 2000, turnover in the energy technology industries has increased by %. The total industry’s growth was 40.8 %. Trends in turnover in energy technology industries and in industry overall Turnover in the energy technology industries 2008: DKK 96 billion Total industry turnover 2008: DKK 700 billion
13 Note 1: The basis year 2000 was chosen in order to maintain data continuity through the time series, as Statistics Denmark is now using DB07. For this part of the analysis, 2008 is the most recently updated year. After decreasing employment rates in both the energy technology industries and the total industry, the fulltime employment in energy technology industries increased by 20.6 % from 2005 to During the same period fulltime employment went up by 2.3 % in the total industry – 2008, the fulltime employment in energy technology industries increased by 2.5 %, whereas the employment rate declined by 0.6 % in the total industry. Fulltime employees in energy technology industries 2008: 41,106 Fulltime employees in the total industry 2008: 347,404 Trends in the number of fulltime employees in energy technology industries and in industry overall
14 After a period characterized by increases and decreases in the added value for energy technology industries there has been a significant growth of 63.3 % from 2004 to By comparison, the industry in total had a 18.4 % growth. However, contrary to the energy technology industries the industry in total has not experienced declines in added valued within the entire period from 2000 to – 2008, the added value of the energy technology industries increased by 8.9 %. The total industry had a growth of 3.2 %. Note 1: The basis year 2000 was chosen in order to maintain data continuity through the time series, as Statistics Denmark is now using DB07. For this part of the analysis, 2008 is the most recently updated year. Note 2: The added value is measured as the growth in value in DKK from processing a product in the various stages of production. Trends in added value for energy technology industries and industry overall Added value in energy technology industries 2008: DKK 24.5 billion Added value in the total industry 2008: DKK billion
Trends in added value per fulltime employee in energy technology industries and in industry overall From 2003 to 2008 the added value per fulltime employee in energy technology industries increased by 43.2 % following a fall from 2002 to By comparison, the added value per fulltime employee in the total industry increased by 23.4 % from 2003 to Due to this recent development, the added value per fulltime employee in the energy technology industries is leveling with added value per fulltime employee in the total industry. This development is underpinned by of 5.3 % in the added value per fulltime employee in energy technology industries. The industry in total had a growth of 3.7 % – 2008, the energy technology industries increased the added value per fulltime employee by 49.6 %. The industry in total had a 38.1 % growth. Added value per fulltime employee in energy technology industries 2008: DKK 596,765 Added value per fulltime employee in the total industry 2008: DKK 615,565