Conspiracy Theories Three Questions 1.How did it develop? 2.Why so popular and compelling? 3.How to evaluate its veracity?
Conspiracy Theories Three Roles in Conspiracy Theory 1.Conspirators 2.Saviors 3.Dupes
Area 51, UFOs & Human Hybrids The claim: –The government has a secret facility involving aliens and alien technology
Did we land on the moon? The claim: –NASA faked the Apollo Moon landings
“Chemtrails” The claim: –Contrails are really a government operation pumping chemicals into the sky for weather modification and poisoning the population
9/11 Conspiracies The claim: –A vast group of people (government, oil businesses, etc) either knew of the impended attacks and refused to act, or intentionally engaged in the act themselves.
Kennedy Assassination The claim: –A criminal conspiracy involving the CIA, KGB, Mafia, FBI, Vice President Johnson, Castro, and the military killed the president and framed Oswald
Creating our own conspiracy theory? Three Questions 1. How did it develop? 2. Why so popular and compelling? 3. How to evaluate its veracity? Three Roles in Conspiracy Theory 1. Conspirators 2. Saviors 3. Dupes