Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) FLAVIUS Meeting – WP4 June 8, 2010 Giurgiu Bogdan Wong William
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Agenda LW contributions Keys to successful integration Complete integration picture Translation REST API Trustscore™ and Reporting REST API Version 2 Customization through dictionaries Customization through training FLAVIUS Language Weaver Roadmap Questions & Answers
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Language Weaver’s Contribution
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Keys to a Successful Partner Integration 1.Ability to integrate with Language Weaver Machine Translation for development and testing 2.Ability to customize baseline engines with dictionaries 3.Ability to customize baseline engines with training of domain/customer specific vertical system
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Complete Picture REST API TOD ReportingTrustscore™ Dictionary Training
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Sample UI for the Translation Engine
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Translation REST API Simple HTTP base communication protocol Leverage HTTP calls – POST, GET, DELETE Web 2.0 used by Amazon, Twitter, etc. Supported text formats: TXT, HTML, TMX, XLIFF Data is encrypted using SSL (via HTTPS) Authentication using a custom HTTP scheme – Two addition headers added to every request LW_Date – Contains a date/time string based on the request time Authorization – Contains a string made up of three strings (each separated by a colon): “LWA: : ” Unique signature generated using a keyed-HMAC (Hash Message Authentication Code) and a SHA1(Secure Hash Algorithm) digest
Translation Rest API /v1/lpinfo + HTTP GET /v1/lpinfo + HTTP GET Language Pair Non-Blocking Translations /v1/translation/src.tgt/lpid= + HTTP POST /v1/translation/src.tgt/lpid= + HTTP POST /v1/user + HTTP POST /v1/user + HTTP POST User Blocking Translations /v1/translation/src.tgt/lpid= + HTTP POST /v1/translation/src.tgt/lpid= / + HTTP GET/DELETE /v1/translation/src.tgt/lpid= + HTTP POST /v1/translation/src.tgt/lpid= / + HTTP GET/DELETE
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Translation REST API Blocking Translation Request – HTTP POST to [tgt]/lpid=[lpid]/[optional-params]/ [tgt]/lpid=[lpid]/[optional-params]/ Appropriate small chunks of data (less than 640 bytes) Mandatory Input Parameters: – [src] – three letter code for the source language (e.g. “eng” for English) – [tgt] – three letter code for the target language – [lpid] – integer denoting the specific language pair system to be used – “source_text=” – [string] - URL escaped version of the input source (POST DATA) Optional Input Parameters: – input_format=[value] – string declaring the input format. Choose from “html”, “plain”, “xliff”. – input_encoding=[value] – string defining the input format. Only “utf8” supported Sample Calls: – Create Blocking Translation Job for Text, Get Language Pair details
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Translation REST API Non-Blocking Translation Request – HTTP POST to async/[src].[tgt]/lpid=[lpid]/[optional-params]/ async/[src].[tgt]/lpid=[lpid]/[optional-params]/ Appropriate for large size files Mandatory /Optional Input Parameters are similar with the Blocking Translation Sample calls: – Create Non-Blocking Translation Job for Text/ URL/ File – Get Language Pair details, Get User Info – Followed by HTTP GET’s to async/[src].[tgt]/[jobID]/lpid=[lpid]/[optional-params]/ async/[src].[tgt]/[jobID]/lpid=[lpid]/[optional-params]/ [jobID] – integer denoting the specific translation submitted with the POST Sample calls: – GET Non-Blocking Translation Job for Text/ URL/ File
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Translation REST API Sample code – C# Example // Step 1: Construct the path. Check to see if the LPID and/or input_format is submitted string szPath = "/v1/translation/" + szSrcLang + "." + szTgtLang + "/"; if (0 != szLPID.Length) szPath = szPath + "lpid=" + szLPID + "/"; if (0 != szInputFormat.Length) szPath = szPath + "input_format=" + szInputFormat + "/"; // Step 2: Construct the URL string szURI = m_szHostName + szPath; System.Console.WriteLine(szURI); // Step 3: Prepare the POST request HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(szURI); PrepareHttpRequestHeader("POST", szPath, ref request);
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Translation REST API // Step 4: Attach the POST data szSourceText = "source_text=" + szSourceText; byte[] postDataBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(szSourceText); request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; request.ContentLength = postDataBytes.Length; Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream(); requestStream.Write(postDataBytes, 0, postDataBytes.Length); requestStream.Close(); // Step 5: Read the response HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); StreamReader responseReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8); string lpInfoResponse = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); // Step 6: Parse the XML document for the translated text XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(lpInfoResponse); System.Console.WriteLine(lpInfoResponse); XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("translated_text"); szTargetText = nodeList[0].InnerText.Trim();
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Translation REST API – Header Generation Sample code – C# Example – Generate Header // Step 1: Get the current HTTP date string szHttpDate = GetHttpDate(); // Step 2: Generate the signature szRequestType = szRequestType.ToUpper(); string szSignature = GenerateSignature(szRequestType, szHttpDate, szURI); // Step 3: Add the two new headers to the request object request.Headers.Add("LW_Date", szHttpDate); request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "LWA:" + m_szUserID + ":" + szSignature); System.Console.WriteLine(szSignature);
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Translation REST API – Header Generation – Generate Signature Encoding u8Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(); HMACSHA1 hmacsha1 = new HMACSHA1(u8Encoding.GetBytes(m_szAPIKey)); string szMessage = szRequestType.Trim() + "\n" + szHttpDate.Trim() + "\n" + szURI.Trim(); string szSignature = Convert.ToBase64String(hmacsha1.ComputeHash(u8Encoding.GetBytes(szMess age.ToCharArray()))); return szSignature;
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Translation REST API Sample request – response for Create Non-Blocking Translation Job for Text e.g. HTTP POST request to v1 /v1/translation-async/eng.fra/lpid=74/ POST Wed Mar 3 14:55: eng fra async/eng.fra/ bccc5e58d50ce7dcaf950f562ec2303/lpid= bccc5e58d50ce7dcaf950f562ec2303 eng fra 74 text/plain release ENGFRAU20_5.1.x.0
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Trustscore™ and Reporting Internal LW milestone – Migration to version 2 of REST API Reporting: – Words per minute – Number of documents translated – Average document length – Details about the TrustScore™ – Other metrics to be defined Trustscore™: – Scored from 1-5 – Document level scoring – Segment level scoring not supported
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) REST API Version 2 New format – Sample of Create Non-Blocking Translation Job for Text pair/[lpid]/translation-async/[optional-params]/ Mandatory and Optional parameters same as v1 Additional calls/ functionality related to: – Trustscure – Reporting – Dictionary
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Customization through Dictionaries Structure – One entry per term, one translation per entry – Search & Replace mechanism that applies unconditionally Size – Up to entries Best practice to build one – Using CSV files Limitations – No limitations on the content – Recommend use of dictionaries is via phrase replacement instead of word replacement – Gender is not automatically generated – UTF-8 Impact on performance – No significant impact
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Customization through Training d d Parallel Aligned Text Optional: Regression Text Optional: Test Text Evaluation Data: Fix noisy text Fix noisy text More text More text Text alignment Text alignment Text segmentation Text segmentation Product Delivery via TOD LW Training Compute Cloud
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Customization through Training Structure: – Train on any language pair specified in the FLAVIUS agreement – Inputs: TMX parallel segments, optional regression text files, optional test sets for evaluation – Outputs: Trained engine Results of BLEU scored test set Translated output of regression text files Metrics from input training corpus – Evaluate customized engine via TOD deployment
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) FLAVIUS Language Weaver Roadmap
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Questions & Answers
Accent Colors Accent 1 (RGB: 141,178,24) Accent 2 (RGB: 63,63,63) Accent 3 (RGB: 127,127,127) Accent 4 (RGB: 195,214,155) Accent 5 (RGB: 222,222,222) Thank you! Accelerating the way the world communicates