Lesson 17.


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Lesson 17

Today’s Agenda QUIZ LESSON 18 SAT Review The American Dream – Activity 1.12 OBJECTIVE: Identify and evaluate an author’s argument, claims, and evidence. Identify aspects of the American Dream.

Entry Slip You have 5-7 minutes to complete the following questions. What is the author’s claim? Provide an example of APPEAL TO ETHOS? Provide an example of APPEAL TO PATHOS? Provide and example of APPEAL TO LOGOS?

The Claim How do you determine the claim? Ask yourself, “What is this essay about?” Remember that everything in the essay goes back to the claim. The claim cannot be too vague. The claim is a complete statement. The claim is not a question. With your group, brainstorm possible claims. You will share those with the class.

Group Additions Determine a leader in your group. Discuss your answers. With a different color writing utensil, add to your original responses. What is the author’s claim? Provide an example of APPEAL TO ETHOS? Provide an example of APPEAL TO PATHOS? Provide and example of APPEAL TO LOGOS?

Provide at least TWO examples of each of the appeals. In the SpringBoard section of your binder, take notes over Activity 1.12. Provide at least TWO examples of each of the appeals. CLAIM: LOGOS PATHOS ETHOS HAVE STUDENTS WORK WITH THEIR GROUPS TO COME UP WITH AT LEAST 2 EXAMPLES FOR EACH APPEAL. ADD FINDINGS TO BOARD. Give each student a colored post-it note and have the write down an example. CLAIM “Americans are struggling – squeezed by rising costs, declining wages, credit-card debt and diminished benefits, with little left over to save for retirement.” LOGOS “Parade surveyed ore than 2,200 Americans, of whom fully 84% described themselves as belonging to the middle class, regardless of where they live…prosperity.” PATHOS Stories are emotionally charged. ETHOS Author gives quotes and anecdotes from the respondents of the survey.

EA1 Return your Rough drafts-DO NOT LOSE THEM. +0, +1, +2 at the top refers to extra credit awarded if you had your rough draft completed for Lesson 15. Comment about my notations