October 8, 2010
Review TEAC Process Faculty Presentations on Reflection/ Learning to Learn Group Work on Evidence for Claim 3 Audit Update Next Steps
Review of Requirements Brief Proposal Draft Submitted May 2011 Brief Proposal Submitted Sept 2011 On-Site Visit November 2011 Accreditation Decision Spring 2012 NCATE Accreditation Ends 2012
History of the Reflective Urban Practitioner Conceptual Framework Proposed Revision of Document
Our candidates know the subject matter they plan to teach. Evidence: GPA Praxis II Clinical Assessment Content Section Writing Assessment
Our candidates demonstrate their pedagogical knowledge, integrating their understanding of their pupils’ developmental levels, individual differences, learning exceptionalities, and sociocultural backgrounds. Evidence: Education GPA Clinical Assessment Sections on Pedagogy Lesson Plan Assignment Rubric
Our candidates demonstrate effective instruction, caring behavior, and reflection to improve practice. Evidence: Today’s Work Includes Learning to Learn Theme
Our candidates know and value how individuals are shaped by their life experiences as mediated by factors such as social class, gender, race, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, age, and social needs. Our candidates know, value, and engage in culturally responsive teaching to promote social justice, particularly in our urban areas. Includes Multicultural Perspectives Theme
TEAC requires evidence that the candidates learn how to learn important information on their own, that they can transfer what they have learned to new contexts, and that they acquire the dispositions and skills that will support lifelong learning in their fields.
Increasingly, the tools of a liberal arts education include technology. Programs should give special attention to assuring that the technologies that enhance the teacher’s work and the pupil’s learning are firmly integrated into their teacher education curriculum. TEAC requires evidence that the program’s graduates acquire the basic productivity tools of the profession.
Erik Morales, Elementary and Secondary Education Vesna Radanovic-Kocic, Multicultural Education Jo-Anne Juncker, Early Childhood Education
Review of Evidence used by other institutions
Goal is to identify two sources of evidence which appropriately measure Demonstrating Effective Instruction Caring Behavior Reflection to Improve Practice (and Learning to Learn)
The faculty must have a quality control system in place to examine and evaluate the components of the program’s capacity for quality, including, its curriculum, students, faculty expertise, program and course requirements, and facilities. TEAC requires evidence, based on an internal audit conducted by the program’s faculty, that the quality control system functions as it was designed, that it promotes the program’s continual improvement, and that it yields evidence that supports Quality Principles I and II.
Curriculum Quality Deborah Woo, Pat Yacabacci Candidates’ Review Alexis Kim, Brandi Warren Faculty Review Nicole Luongo Quality of Resources Jane Webber, Althea Hall
Identify Evidence for Claim 4 Determine Goals and Indentify Evidence for Technology Theme Complete and Approve Audit Review Data for Claim 1 Commit to Clinical Assessment Instrument(s)