Welcome to 5th Grade Open House Mrs. Steinhart’s Class
A little about Me! Attended Mizzou for college Student taught at Oak Brook in 2 nd grade This is my 5 th year teaching Taught 2 years in 4 th grade, 1 year in 3 rd grade and this is my 2 year in 5 th grade.
Philosophy I believe that EVERY student is able to achieve and to grow as a learner. I strive to help students gain confidence and to arm them with the tools they need to succeed. My goal is to help students become curious and confident life long learners.
Character Education Character is a main focus 10 Character words –Honesty –Self Control –Empathy –Resilience –Patience –Respect –Perseverance –Responsibility –Kindness –Integrity Buddy Classes
Reading Curriculum Balanced literacy approach Cover 7 units: –Readers Build Good Habits –Questioning the text and author –Nonfiction Reading –Interrelationship of Story Elements across Genres –Interrelationship of Thinking Strategies –Synthesizing –Dealing with Difficulty
Reading Curriculum Continued Students read out of a leveled book- by the end of 5 th students should be reading at a level U. Students grade is based on individual conference conferring notes, End of Unit assessments, notebook, teacher observations, and in class assignments. Students should be reading books at home for at least minutes EACH night.
Writing Curriculum Workshop approach Cover 8 units: –Writers Build Good Habits –Memoir –Editorial –Personal Essay –Craft of Revision –Craft of Presentation –Word Study
Writing Curriculum Continued Grade is based on conferring notes, in class assignments, published pieces, and teacher observations. Students will publish for each writing unit.
Math Curriculum Students will gain a positive attitude about mathematics, feeling competent and confident, realizing the value of mathematics and engaging actively in their learning. 9 units covered: –Multiplication and Division 1: Number Puzzles and Multiple Towers –Addition, Subtraction and the Number System: Thousands of Miles, Thousands of Seats –Fractions and Percents 1: What's that Portion? –2-D Geometry and Measurement: Measuring Polygons –Decimals, Fractions, and Percents 2: Decimals on Grids and Number Lines –Multiplication and Division 2: How many People? How Many Teams? –Data Analysis and Probability: How Long Can You Stand on One Foot? –3D Geometry and Measurement: Prisms and Pyramids –Patterns, Functions, and Change: Growth Patterns
Math Curriculum Continued 4 District Common Assessments Grade based on in class work, assessments, homework, and teacher observations. Students will be switching classes for math.
Science Curriculum Science Note booking following the Scientific Method Grade based on notebooks, assessments, in class work, homework, and teacher observations. 4 units covered: –Solar System –Levers and Pulleys –Environments/Nature Unleashed –Mixtures and Solutions
Social Studies Curriculum Grade based on work completions, assessments, in class assignments, homework, and teacher observations. 8 units covered: –Geography –Native Americans –Discovery, Exploration, Early Settlements –Colonial Period –Revolutionary War –United States Constitution –JA Biz Town –Citizens in Action
MAP MAP testing takes place in April Students will be tested on Communication Arts, Mathematics and Science. On going MAP activities will take place throughout the year to help prepare students
Field Trips JA Biz Town field trip will take place in April. The Point- 5 th Grade celebration usually takes place the last week of school
Assignment Notebook Binders Planners should be signed each night by the teacher Teacher will go over homework and planners each day Homework and notes should be returned the next day unless otherwise noted or extenuating circumstances. Student binders must go home and come back to school everyday
Other Information Mrs. Steinhart's 5th Grade Class - Daily HomeworkMrs. Steinhart's 5th Grade Class - Daily Homework Homework Policy Website Snack Birthday Treats
Behavior Policy Yellow Behavior Slip- 4 step process for misbehaviors in the classroom –Warning –Time Out with Think Sheet (Sent home for parent signature) –Missed recess with parent contact –Principle Referral –Serious behavior issues would be handled directly by administration
Reminders Bring jackets Water bottles are great Book orders