1 Group on Earth Observations WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION Weather – Climate - Water Dr Donald Hinsman, WMO Secretariat Focal Point for GEO
2 Progress in the GEO Process CIMO appointed a Rapporteur on GEO Dr Rainer Drombowsky WMO EC-57 Resolution endorsed the Implementation Plan of GEOSS WMO EC-58 Resolution agreed all essential data as defined by WMO Resolution 40 (Cg-XII) should be made available through the GEOSS interoperable arrangements to serve the needs of the global community
3 Summary of GEO Activities GEO-I May 2005 Established the GEO Executive Committee and 4 Co Chairs (Russian Federation, China, South Africa and USA/NOAA) Need for 4 Committees (Architecture, User Interface, S&T, Capacity Building) and Tsunami Working Group Development 2006 Work Plan Selection of GEO Director, Prof Achache (Sept 2005) GEO II December 2005 Reviewed 2006 Work Plan (approved in April 2006) Rules and Procedures for GEO TORs for 4 Committees and Tsunami Working Group WMO Members and Secretariat participate in all Committees and Tsunami Working Group
4 Summary of WMO Activities WMO continued active role in GEO WMO led 19 and contributed to 49 of 97 Tasks in GEO 2006 Work Plan WMO’s Regional Associations and Technical Commissions have designated GEO Rapporteurs CBS Expert Meeting in Nov 2005 provided input to 2006 draft Work Plan WMO and GEO have a Service Level Agreement for services in WMO HQ WMO provided input to GEO Work Plan (Versions 1 and 2)
5 Ongoing Activities Work Plan Activities (Quarterly status reports) GEO-III, November in Bonn, Germany GEO Work Plan Version 3 WMO activities could include leading 16 Tasks and participation in 50 Tasks out of 72 total Tasks 2007 Ministerial GEO Meeting in November in South Africa