APEC EGCFE Workshop March 21-23, 2005 The Grand Hotel, Chinese Taipei Cooperation & Competition in Asia-Pacific LNG Market Cooperation & Competition in Asia-Pacific LNG Market Dr. Boyoung KIM KOGAS
2 Yesterday Nowadays Tomorrow in Asia-Pacific LNG Market CONTENTS
Source : bp World NG consumption: 2.08b ton International Trade 510m ton (25 % of total consumption) Trade by Pipeline NG : 370m ton Trade by LNG : 140m ton - Japan : 60.0m ton (43%) - Korea : 19.0m ton (14%) in 2003 World Natural Gas Trade
4 World LNG Trades
5 1 st rush hour 2 nd rush hour Source : Clarkson Research Studies When the 3 rd Rush hour of LNG consumption will be ? Coming-up the New Era in LNG Market when? 1,000 ㎥ ships
6 The Restriction of Expanding LNG Market MJ/nm Oman (45.4) Abu Dhabi (44.6) Qatar (44.3) Malaysia (44.7) Australia (44.4) Indonesia (43.9) Algeria (41.8) Trinidad & T (40.8) Alaska (40.2) Middle-East Asia South-East Asia LNG Quality High Calorie Low Calorie Africa & America Nigeria (43.9)
E2010 E2015 E Japan Korea Taiwan India China Asia (total) 72.7(71.4%)95.6(63.7%)132.5(48.9%)166.5(44.7%) France Spain U.K Europe (total) 23.9(23.5%)37.9(25.3%)72.7(26.9%)103.0(27.7%) US East Coast US West Coast Mexico America (total) 5.1(5.0%)16.5(11.0%)65.5(24.2%)103.0(27.7%) TOTAL101.8(100%)150.0(100%)270.6(100%)372.5(100%) World LNG Demand : Forecasting Unit : mtpa Source : LNG Global 2004, Deutsch Bank
8 2000yr 2010yr Unit : mtpa Europe Asia America World LNG Demand : Forecasting (cont.)
9 - Consumers : Japan, Korea, Chinese Taipei U.S.A, EU (Spain, France, Italy, U.K) - Producers : Indonesia, Malaysia Qatar, Algeria, Australia, Russia (The Far East) Perspectives of the great Shifting in LNG market
10 Tsunami in Asia-Pacific LNG market
11 LNG Demand E2005E2006E2007E2010E2015E CAGR USA % JAPAN % Chinese Taipei % KOREA % Source : LNG Global 2004, Deutsch Bank North America ; R/P=9.7 LNG Demand : US, Japan, Chinese Taipei and Korea
12 US ; The Master plan of LNG Terminals The seismic center of Tsunami in Asia-Pacific LNG Market
13 Source : The future relationship between LNG pricing in the Asia-Pacific and the Atlantic-Mediterranean, PFC Energy Average $5.28/mmBTu Average $6.00/mmBTu The price gap ; US East Coast vs. US West Coast
14 Source : Poten & partners, LNG in World Markets Volumes of spot LNG and NYMEX gas price
15 The price gap ; Henry Hub vs. LNG into Japan Source : The future relationship between LNG pricing In the Asia-Pacific and the Atlantic-Mediterranean, PFC Energy $9.13 $7.42
16 Source : Han Wonhee, Quarterly Review of Gas Economics & Management (KOGAS) “Market share of LNG Spot Trade” Trend : The Market share of LNG spot trade
17 4.6mtpa 0 mtpa 17.8mtpa 53.9 mtpa 50mtpa 7.1 mtpa 38.1mtpa 67.8 mtpa China’s Total consumption of NG will be 85mtpa in 2010 USA’s Total Consumption of NG will be 550mtpa in 2010 LNG consumption in 2002 LNG consumption in mtpa 11.3mtpa The Future of Asia-Pacific LNG market Tsunami 5.3 mtpa 9.0 mtpa Winter Season
18 Relationship among Asia-Pacific Economies Cooperation & Competition
19 Tel : Thank You