Page 1 SCOPA Workshop 23 June 2009 Audit Development and Innovation
2 Reputation promise/mission The Auditor-General has a constitutional mandate and, as the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of South Africa, it exists to strengthen our country’s democracy by enabling oversight, accountability and governance in the public sector through auditing, thereby building public confidence.
3 ADI PORTFOLIO Audit Research and Development Performance Auditing Investigations Information Systems Auditing Reputation & Stakeholder Management: Audit
4 ADI PURPOSE To better support and promote core audit activities Entails researching, developing, training and promoting the application of the latest audit techniques & tools Includes facilitating efficient relevant auditing and delivering high impact products
5 Goals and primary objectives Goal 1 – Being responsive to external stakeholders External stakeholder interaction framework Support to APAC Outcome analyses and general reports
6 Goal 2 – Develop appropriate cutting-edge, high impact products and services Technical participation (covering domestic and international technical forums) Deploy audit methodologies and tools that ensure application of latest technology to facilitate compliance with auditing standards Develop and update technical guidance Deliver high impact performance audits and investigations, and Expand the coverage of information systems auditing
7 Goal 3 - Promote efficient (smart) auditing Pilot and revise the audit methodology to demonstrate more efficient auditing (including portfolio planning, horizontal audits, etc) Revise all audit guidelines to promote more efficient auditing Increased integration of information system auditing into the regularity auditing methodology
8 Goal 4 - Facilitate knowledge and learning transfer Develop and implement an AGSA training curriculum Develop and implement training for external stakeholders Promote sharing of technical developments and learning Monitor and ensure compliance with audit training regulations with regard to requirements established by professional bodies and the regulator Management of the trainee auditor scheme Support INTOSAI initiatives
9 Questions and discussion