How it began…
UEQ: How did the Industrial Revolution change the world and society? LEQ: What is the Industrial Revolution? How did it begin?
Industrial Revolution Industrialization Great Britain Factory Factors of Production Entrepreneur
Free Write This will be a timed, graded, writing assignment. Your responsibility will be to write for the amount of time given to you on the smart board. What you will be writing about, will deal with the question below. (Worth 20 points) Free Write Question: “How has technology changed your life today?” Write down as much information as you can, include examples, why technology is important for you to live your life, how technology is a good thing to have in your life or a bad thing to have in your life, and even what your life would be like without technology.
If presented with a picture of a child working hard in a job that was made for adults, would you want to change what the child was doing? Turn to page 282 in your textbook. Read over and consider the opening question about fair working conditions. Answer the question in your own opinion. (5 pts) Read over the paragraph and carefully study the picture, once finished, answer the two questions at the bottom with detailed explanations. (5 pts. each)
Revolutions around the world changed the way governments controlled people. Changes in government were not enough for people, there needed to be changes in their everyday lives.
Carefully look at the following slides and their accompanying pictures. Pay attention to what is going on, once finished you will answer the questions below. Question 1: “In your own words, create a definition of what you think the word Industrial Revolution means.” Question 2: “What life was like for people living through the Industrial Revolution?” In your explanation, give an example from one of the pictures to support your explanation.
Definitions 1: Make life easier through industry or make life easier by machines. Definition 2: changing of old things to enhance to new things. Definition 3: a period in time where the growing need for technology caused an increase in inventions, factories, and businesses. Definition 4: When a lot of families lived in one building and work all day. Definition 5: a time when people had gotten tired of working conditions and how they were working.
Definition The Industrial Revolution is a period of time beginning in the 1700’s in the country of Britain, when machines made products and items citizens used. Before RevolutionAfter Revolution People made their own clothing slowlyMachines made clothing faster
What was life like for people before machines? Read the article, “Before the Industrial Revolution,” follow my directions in the creation of a foldable, where you will write down the key ideas about peoples’ lives before the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution began in the country of Britain in the 1700s. Britain had many different things that helped the Industrial Revolution begin.
Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in Britain? Working individually or together, you will complete a Document Based Question and mini-essay where you will find out and explain why the Industrial Revolution began in the country of Britain. Be sure to include supporting facts from the packet into your short essay on why the Revolution began in Britain.
Using your book from pages 284 to 288 you will read about how the Industrial Revolution helped create new inventions and tools for everyday work and how these inventions changed society. As you read, fill in each of the four boxes of the graphic organizer with information related to each box, that shows inventions or how life changed. Box 1: Inventions, Box 2: Changes in Textile Industry, Box 3: Changes in Transportation, Box 4: Changes in Railroads
What new inventions were created during the Industrial Revolution?
How did the Industrial Revolution change the textile industry?
How did the Industrial Revolution change Transportation?
How did the Industrial Revolution change Railroads?