Welcome to a glorious afternoon in Mr. Keeling’s history class!!! You have 10 minutes to study for the test please use your time wisely. If you study hard these 10 minutes we WILL go over the Power Point.
Industrialization and Nationalism Began in Britain in the 1800’s. This created a shift from an economy based on farming and handicrafts to an economy based on manufacturing by machines in factories.
What was the name for small time production from rural homes? Cottage Industry
What laws often force people to move from rural areas to urban areas? Enclosure Movement
James Watt developed what machine that changed factory production in particular? Steam-powered Engine
What process developed higher quality iron and to the industrial age to the next level? Puddling
What is the term for money that is ready to invest? Capital
Who invented the first paddle- wheel steamboat? Robert Fulton
What is the economic system based on industrial production? Industrial capitalism
Name the two cities that the “Rocket” traveled between. Manchester Liverpool
What is the belief that public ownership of production would allow wealth to be distributed evenly. Socialism
What socialist felt that he could create a Utopian society? Robert Owen
Section 2 Reaction and Revolution –Citizen and government reaction to the industrial age was principle in establishing the laws and societal expectations we experience today.
What peace marked the end of Napoleon’s reign in Europe? Congress of Vienna
What system in based on tradition and the value of social stability? Conservatism
What belief holds that people should be as free as possible from government restraint. Liberalism
What principle stated that powers had the right to send armies into countries where there were revolutions in order to restore peace. Principle of Intervention
What movement established that all adult males could vote. Universal male suffrage
What term refers to a collection of different peoples making up a countries’ population. Multinational state
Section 3 National Unification and Nationalism After a series of revolts and changes in many nations. Governments were finally able to establish a peace and citizens began to feel not only safe but an extreme pride in their national identity.
What is the name for a nations reliance on military strength? Militarism
Who had the longest rule in English history? Queen Victoria
People make an impact The rights of the everyday citizen begin to play a major role in governments.
What is the term referring to popular vote? plebiscite
What term means the “setting free of”? emancipation
A term referring to the desire to end slavery. abolitionism
Many states in the U.S. withdrew or _________ from the Union. secede
Section 4 Romanticism and Realism A reaction to the enlightenment and industrial revolution. Romantics believed that emotions should guide decision making while realists focused on the everyday world and ordinary people.
What group emphasized feeling, emotion, and imagination as sources of knowing? Romantics
What popular piano player emerged during this time? Ludwig van Beethoven Some said that he was the bridge between classical and romantic music.
Who developed the theory that disease was caused by germs? Louis Pasteur
Who wrote the book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection? Charles Darwin
What is the belief that art and literature should reflect real life situations? Realism
In what belief did Darwin say that only the strong would survive? Natural Selection
Name perhaps the most popular realistic writer from this period. Charles Dickens