Romanticism is a movement in art, literature, and music during the 19 th century that values feeling and intuition over reason. Reaction against rationalism (belief that people can discover truth rather relying on religious faith or intuition).
Goals of 18 th century America included independence, prosperity, and commerce. Towns progressed into cities, and to many the city was a place to find success and opportunity.
Industrial Revolution Squalid cities Wretched working conditions The Romantics saw the city as a place of decaying morals, corruption, and death.
Individualism Nature/Escapism Freedom/adventure Intuition Imagination Idealism Inspiration Supernatural Gothic Idealism is the concept that we can make the world a better place. Imagination was emphasized over “reason.” Romantics celebrated the individual.
Romantics believed/wanted: Feeling over reason, imagination over science, and nature over civilization Science was destroying the truth it claimed to seek To escape grimy industrial age with exotic settings through the supernatural realm/folklore
Dark, dreary settings Decay Superstition Victim/Victimizer Supernatural, magical elements Explores the dark side of human nature Elements of fear, horror, macabre
European view of Americans as unsophisticated/ uncivilized American Romantic Hero was created to reverse this insult! He was youthful, innocent, and close to nature Novelists used the frontier and its adventures as the background setting Today: Western, fantasy Heroes