Mark Lynch Clinical Lead Urology, Croydon University Hospital Consultant, St George’s Hospital
Croydon Urology – the future July 2013 July 2014 M Lynch Consultant Interview Job plan for further Consultant July 2015 SGH integration July 2015+ Urology centre?
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms BPH (50%) Prostate cancer (16%) Other pathology
BPH Epidemiology: Autopsy Epidemiology: Clinical 23% men aged 41-50
BPH Epidemiology: Less common Higher income groups Western / industrialized countries Less common Alcohol and cirrhosis Far East (Japan, China, Korea)
AUA / IPSS Symptom Score
BPH Assessment Variability Symptom score Quality of life Drug therapy Surgery Examination – neurology PSA ??
BPH Complications Renal failure Bladder calculi Infection Incontinence Retention Haematuria
BPH Management Watch and wait Pharmacology Surgery TURP - TURiS
Medical Therapy Conservative measures Bladder diary Alpha blockers 5 alpha reductase inhibitors Combination therapy
Bladder Diary
Bladder Diary
BPH DRE Routine bloods MSU
AUA / IPSS Symptom Score
Bladder Diary
LUTS Advice Medication Review
CUH – Here to help! LUTS clinic IPSS Flow-rate Information documents Decision making clinic for surgery Medical management strategy for primary care