Cancer Chapter 26
Terminology Cancer- An uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells Tumor- An abnormal mass of tissues that has no natural role in the body Benign tumor- A tumor that is not cancerous Malignant tumor- A cancerous tumor that may spread through the blood or lymph nodes
Terminology Biopsy- Removal of a small piece of tissue to be examined for cancer, inflammation or disease Metastasis- The spreading of cancer from its original point to other parts of the body
Terminology Remission- A period of times when the symptoms of cancer (or disease) disappear Carcinogen- A cancer causing agent Ex.- Cigarette smoke, ultraviolet radiation…etc
Detection Self exams Testicular exams- Checking for lumps or fluid mass in scrotum Breast- Checking for lumps in the breasts Skin- Looking for abnormal change in moles, freckles and skin in general
Treatments Oncologist- A doctor who specializes in the treatment of cancer Surgery- Removal of cancerous masses (tumors) from the body Radiation therapy- Using radioactive rays to destroy cancerous cells and shrink cancerous masses
Treatments Chemotherapy- Use of chemicals to destroy cancerous cells Immunotherapy- Activates the immune system to recognize specific cancers and destroy them Hormone therapy- Use of medication to interfere with the production of hormones. This kills cancer cells or slows their growth.
Smoking and Cancer Emphysema Lung Annual Deaths Among Smokers Attributable to Smoking-Related Diseases Emphysema Lung Age of Smoking Initiation Among Adult Daily Smokers Tobacco Use Among Middle School Students
Prostrate Cancer Prostate- Male reproductive organ that produces seminal fluid Risk for cancer increases with age Screenings should begin around age 50
Oral Cancer Use of spit tobacco increases risk Leukoplakia- Red or white patches inside the mouth Develop from use of spit tobacco
CAUTION C- Change in bowel habits A- A sore that does not heal U- Unusual bleeding or discharge T- Thickening or lump (in the breast/testes or elsewhere) I- Indigestion or difficulty swallowing O- Obvious change in a wart or mole N- Nagging cough or hoarseness