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Pick and Mix Te Tuhi pre-visit lesson 2
During this lesson we will be exploring… Welcome to Pick and Mix 3D Collage But before we start, let’s recap on what we learnt during our last lesson…
During our last lesson we learnt that Collage … originated in China, used more widely in Japan and eventually being used by people all around the world. is an artwork made by combining a range of materials using glue, layering and arrangement. is a technique used by artists in different ways to create art.
Let’s start this lesson by exploring “3D Collage”. Image:
So far we have seen collage use a variety of materials, from paper, paint and photographs. Some time after the first collage was created, artists began to really experiment with collage. Some putting together objects that made their collage 3 dimensional. Let’s take a look at 4 artists who explore and use collage in a 3 dimensional way.
NZ artist Peter Madden makes collages that appear to pop out from the wall. He carefully cuts out images, from small to big and arranges them on clear glass. This gives each image the appearance that it is floating or suspended in space. Image: Collage pop out Close upPeter MaddenThe Leaving 2008Coming From Everywhere 2013Off Gravity (Post Disaster) 2011Close up
Image: American artist Dustin Yellin creates collages in a different way. Dustin carefully cuts out images and arranges them in between many different sheets of glass, so they give his collage layers of depth. Many of his collages are large scale, reflecting human figures and landscapes. Close upPsychogeography no.43, 2014 Close upPsychogeography no.42, 2013 Collage pop out Sensorium 2013
Artist Louise Nevelson was one of the first artists to include 3D objects in her art. Sometimes her collages would be made from pieces of furniture and other familiar objects. Colour was important for Louise and she would sometimes spray paint her artwork in one colour – black, gold and white. Image: Untitled 1966Untitled 1958Untitled D Collage = 3D objects Mirror-shadow VII 1985Exhibition by Louise Nevelson
Image: D collage Louise Nevelson continued to create 3D collages but bigger and with lots more objects. They would often fill a wall space and in some instances you could walk around the artwork. Exhibition by Louise Nevelson 1959Royal Tide IV D Collage = 3D objects Artist Gregor Kregar created a similar artwork. He collected objects that were thrown away and assembled them to form an archway painted red. It was up for 3 weeks and during this time the public could come and take home any object from the artwork they desired. - Archie 2001Close up
Let’s recap on what we have learnt so far… As we have seen, artists have really changed how you can make a collage…
3D Collage can be created using glass and layering techniques to give the illusion that they are floating, suspended or have a life of their own. combines and assembles 3D objects like furniture and present them like a 2D picture. can be as big as a room and can be interactive like Gregor Kregar’s artwork – Archie. What have we learnt so far?
In the next lesson we will explore Digital Collage End of lesson