Issues surrounding supervision of offenders with a mental illness Sean Duggan Chief Executive
Current Issues Offender rehabilitation Bill 12 month compulsory supervision order for all prisoners who have a prison sentence that is under two years. Privatisation of probation service Those regarded as high risk will still be monitored by a slimmed-down national probation service. Risk fluctuates Who will make the decision? Limited research on mental health & wider CJS
Probation population 39% of offenders supervised by probation services have a current mental health condition One in six had a mood disorder One in four had an anxiety disorder 11% had a psychotic illness: this is roughly 10 times the national average. *Please note that these statistics are taken from Brooker, C., Sirdifield, C., Blizard, R., Maxwell- Harrison, D., Tetley, D., Moran, P., Pluck, G., Chafer, A., Denney, D. & Turner, M. (2011) An Investigation into the Prevalence of Mental Health Disorder and Patterns of Health Service Access in a Probation Population. Lincoln: University of Lincoln.
Liaison and Diversion Liaison and Diversion services will be based in police custody and courts for adults Commissioned by NHS England Job to screen and identify Put a person on a pathway (either within the CJS or outside of it) Post diversionary set up will not be commissioned centrally
Street triage Police and local Mental Health Trusts working together. Dealing specifically with Section 136 calls. No evidence that it works Needs to be robustly researched. Suicide rates in U.K increased significantly between 2010 and 2011, from 11.1 to 11.8 per 100,000 population
Questions to consider How easy is it for probation staff to access support and guidance for themselves and for their clients? How can we make sure joint working happens effectively? What degree do mental health services interact with your clients?
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