Materials 286KChris Freeze
M—I Transition In Rare-Earth Nickelates And The Impact Of Structural Distortions Outline: LaNiO 3 : The basics Tuning the Metal-Insulator Transition 1.Structural distortions 2.Oxygen deficiency 3.Dimensionality
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Materials 286KChris Freeze LaNiO 3 Remember me?
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Materials 286KChris Freeze M—I Transition In Rare-Earth Nickelates And The Impact Of Structural Distortions Outline: LaNiO 3 : The basics Tuning the Metal-Insulator Transition 1.Structural distortions 2.Oxygen deficiency 3.Dimensionality
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Materials 286KChris Freeze M—I Transition In Rare-Earth Nickelates And The Impact Of Structural Distortions Outline: LaNiO 3 : The basics Tuning the Metal-Insulator Transition 1.Structural distortions 2.Oxygen deficiency 3.Dimensionality
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Materials 286KChris Freeze M—I Transition In Rare-Earth Nickelates And The Impact Of Structural Distortions Summary: Multiple methods to tune across metal-insulator transition in LnNiO 3 Distorting Ni – O – Ni bond angle Rare earth cation radius Pressure Oxygen deficiency (Ni oxidation state) Dimensionality
Materials 286KChris Freeze Citation Text Title