Software Evaluation Copyright Introduction
Agenda Software types Software Evaluation Principles Copyright introduction
Software used in Education Drill and Practice Tutorial Problem-Based Learning Environments Simulation
Drill and Practice Computer-Directed Inst. Stimulus - Response - Feedback Student role is Responder Right Answers in machine
Tutorial “Intelligent” systems Presents information Computer checks understanding Guides student learning
Drill and Practice & Tutorial Consistent with traditional instruction Content is set Teaching is telling Practice makes perfect Computer is a Teaching Machine
Problem-Based Learning Environment Ill-structured complex problems Multiple tools/resources Multiple sub-problems requiring solution Solve problem = win game
Simulation Interactive Learning Environment Student explores possibilities Sense-making activity Computer frames learning
PBLE & Simulation Constructivist instruction Active and Engaged Multiple solution strategies Higher order thinking Computer supports learning
Evaluation Forms Level of detail Scoring Criteria Purpose???
Ed Software Eval Principles Selecting Software Your Goals Value Added Relate to your class Repurpose / be creative!
Software & Copyright
Software If you buy a software package at Wal-Mart, are you allowed to make copies of it? Why or why not?
Maybe this? If you buy a software package at Software Etc., are you allowed to: make copies and sell them or give them away?
How about this one? If you buy a software package at Software Etc., are you allowed to: make just enough copies so all students in your class can be working at the same time?
No Simultaneous Users Individually licensed Software can be used by only one person at any given time Site License Backup policy Shareware Public Domain
Taping from Television Different Criteria--Most TV shows are protected Fair Use: You may record and show tapes within 45 day window of broadcast--then you must erase
18 Applying Copyright Guidelines to Projects “Fair use” - ( teaching, scholarship, research) –Note: Fair use is often used as an excuse for copying, rather than a well thought out reason for copying. –Four Criteria: G & G p Purpose 2. Nature 3. Amount 4. Impact –DTP Project –Text Material –Illustrations and Photographs
19 Portion Limits (Amount) Video Up to 10% or three minutes, whichever is less Music –May use 10% or thirty seconds, whichever is less from an individual musical work. Text Material –Up to 10% or 1,000 words, whichever is less –(Poetry) - entire poem of less than 250 words may be used; poems of greater length, 250 words, but no more than three excerpts –Bibliographic citation (author, title, publisher, place, date) 19
20 Portion Limits (cont.) Illustrations, Cartoons, Photographs –One illustration can be used in its entirety –No more than 5 from artist or photographer –Collection - not more than 10% or 15 images Proper attribution must always be given –Source of the work 20
General Limits On Use Whichever is LESS: Video: 10% or 3 minutes Text: 10 % or 1000 words Music: 10% or 30 seconds Pictures: 10% or 15 images
22 Next Time Review Learning Tools Rubrics Lab time to brainstorm projects Come to call with ideas content area grade level etc... 22