Software Chapter 2
Software Is a program which consists of step by step instructions that tell the computer how to do his work.
Operating System Is considered as a system software. Examples : Disk operating System (DOS) Windows, Linux, Unix,OS/2,Macintosh Operating System (MacOs).
Functions of Operating Systems Booting Up User Interface Task and Resources Management Monitoring Files Management System Security
Applications Software Is a program or a group of programs used to accomplish a variety of tasks which you can use once the operating system has been loaded.
Applications Software (Examples) word processing MS Word Spread Sheets Applications MS Excel Database Applications MS-Access Database Applications MS-Access Desktop Publishing (DTP) Adobe Photoshop Presentation Applications MS PowerPoint Web browsing MS Internet Explorer Software MS Outlook, Outlook Express Software MS Outlook, Outlook Express Photo Editing Software Photoshop, PaintShop Pro Photo Editing Software Photoshop, PaintShop Pro Computer Games (may use special computers Like play station, Nintendo …
Interfaces Is the way the user uses to deal with the computer or to send his or her commands to the computer. Types : 1. Command Line Interface. 2. Graphical User Interface.
Accessibility Options Voice Recognition a. Speaker Dependent b. Discrete Speech System c. Continuous Speech System Screen Reader. Screen Magnifier. On-Screen Keyboard.