1 The Keele ELT course Stephen Bostock Not in the original EFFECTS consortium but I did the UMIST course Keele has SEDA PDF-ELT PG Cert. in Teaching and Learning with Technology 30 CATS in 2000, upgraded to 60 An MA in L&T constructed around it, plus initial teacher Certificate plus Action Research module Advisor for Technology and Learning in Staff Development (out of Computer Science) but certificated courses approved via Education Dept. Currently Director of TaLwT and the MA
Timetable January – May workshops Project in following semester Portfolios after 18 months Cohorts 2001: 11 Keele staff (of 400 academics) 5 passed so far 2002: 6 (including 2 non-Keele) 2003: 14 (including 4 non-Keele) Workshops On application of learning technologies Supporting project phases/Outcomes 2
3 Plus points Benefits from other ELT materials Enthusiastic staff, good discussions Readings sent in advance Some excellent projects benefiting Keele Supportive External Examiner External evaluations good Good accommodation in Staff Development, own laptops etc.
4 Problems and issues Only one tutor plus occasional speakers Attendance timing a problem – weekly or blocks? Outcome 7 is hard: Reflection on continuing professional development Tying workshop activities to Outcomes evidence How to deal with the Values Changing documentation versions!
5 Changes this year Attendance in blocks again: 3 days + 3 days updates Outcome 1 before last workshop Better equipment Everything on the web – materials currently hidden Everything on the webmaterials currently hidden Virtual attendance through online Statements of Reflection in private web discussion board
Web discussion