2 Projects. Objectives. Teledensity. Universal Service. Universal Access. Telecentres. School Web Internet Labs. Partnerships. USF. Projects Impact. Challenges
3 Objectives Stimulate public awareness Promote Universal Service Facilitate provision of Universal Access Recommendations to the Minister and SATRA Manage U S F
4 Training Employment Access to basic å telephony, å Information & å Communication Continuous Research & Development Partnerships Objectives
5 Telecommunication in South Africa 18th largest user of Internet Good Service in the Cities Poor Service in Rural areas and Informal Settlements Teledensity S.A. average10 World average 13 S.A suburbs>50 Rural areas e.g E.Cape0.1
6 Universal Service Telephones in the home S.A overall28.8 Northern Province 7.5 Eastern Cape15.7 North West16.8 Mpumalanga18.3 Free State23.0 Kwa-Zulu Natal27.1 Northern Cape30.9 Gauteng45.6 Western Cape55.4 Africans/Black11.4 Coloured43.6 Indians/Asians77.2 White89.0
7 Universal Access S.A overall 81.6 Northern Province 69.3 Eastern Cape 54.8 North West 80.6 Mpumalanga 85.4 Free State 88.4 Kwa-Zulu Natal 80.0 Northern Cape 87.8 Gauteng 96.0 Western Cape 97.0 Africans/Black75.4 Coloured94.3 Indians/Asians98.7 White99.1
8 Universal Service & Access Beneficiaries 4 Rural Communities 4 Informal settlements 4 Townships
9 Universal Access Community Service Obligations Licence holders: Telkom2.8 Million Lines 1.7 in Rural Areas Vodacom MTN 7 500
10 Definition Process Public Participation Jan - Feb ‘99 : Hearings Mid Feb‘99: Proposal Paper 11 & 12 Aug: Colloquium End September: Final Paper
11 Telecentres Telephony Word Processing & DTP /Internet Printing & Scanning Copying & Faxing Distance Learning Multipurpose Community Telecentres
12 Telecentre Equipment (Standard & Multipurpose) 6-10 Telephone lines 4-6 PCs Printer & Scanner Copier & Fax TV & VCR Management System
13 Telecentre Models Mini Telecentre l 3 Telephone Lines l 1 PC l 3 in 1 (C, S &P) l Fax l (35%) l 10 Existing (CSIR) l 20 to be established
14 School Web Internet Labs 2 6 HD Schools (27) PC & Accessories 2 Printer & Fax 2 Software 2 Teacher Training (DoC) 2 R per school (USF)
16 Partnerships 4 IDRC (Research & Funding) 4 KPN (Training & Funding) 4 Microsoft ( Software & Training) 4 DoC (Student Internships) 4 Wits Univ. ( Accreditation) 4 Japan Telecom (Funding) 4DTI, GCIS, SAPOS, CSIR, 4Dept. Health
17 USF Est. Section 65(1) of Telecoms Act Section 67(1): Annual Contributions TelkomR10m VodacomR5m MTNR5m Subsidies for needy people Communities Individuals Disabled Groups
18 Projects Impact l 31 existing Telecentres 4 Job Creation 60% women 75% youth 4 Access to Telecom Services over 2500 people per day 4 Computer Skill Training community & learners 4 Distance Learning
19 Projects Impact l35 more telecentres by Nov 1999 Empowerment of Local SMMEs 4 Site renovations 4 Electrification 4 ICT installation & maintenance 4 Computer Training 4 Security l Social & Economic Investment l Capacity Building
20 Challenges.Infrastructure. Sustainable Development. Security. Need. Funds