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Defining Psychology Psychology and the Scientific Method Goals of Psychology Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... > Introduction to Psychology Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at dium=direct&utm_source=boundless
Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that seeks to understand the behavior, mental functions, and emotional processes of human beings. Psychologists explore how mental and emotional factors influence individual development and behavior, and how these factors themselves can be influenced by physiological and biological processes. Clinical psychologists focus on the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness; they usually work directly with clients using various forms of therapeutic treatment. Research psychologists use scientific methods to explore a wide range of topics related to mental health and behavior. Defining Psychology Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at /introduction-to-psychology-and-psychological-research-1/introduction-to-psychology-15/defining-psychology ?campaign_content=book_5997_section_15&campaign_term=Psychology&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source= boundless Biology, psychology, and society shape our lives View on Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... > Introduction to Psychology
The scientific method is a process of developing and testing theories, which may be used in conceptualizing problems. A hypothesis, in turn, is a testable prediction that is arrived at logically from a theory. There are several types of studies that follow the scientific method—experiments, descriptive studies, case studies, surveys, and non-descriptive studies. Critical thinking is a key component of the scientific method. Without it, you cannot use logic to come to conclusions. Psychology and the Scientific Method Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at /introduction-to-psychology-and-psychological-research-1/introduction-to-psychology-15/psychology-and-the-scientific-method ?campaign_content=book_5997_section_15&campaign_term=Psychology&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source= boundless The importance of study skills View on Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... > Introduction to Psychology
There are a variety of subfields within the discipline of psychological study, including behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, educational, social, forensic, evolutionary, and industrial/organizational psychology. These various subfields differ in many ways, including in their subjects (individuals or groups), their environments (at home, at work, or in a clinical setting), and their orientations (more or less research-driven). Although all of these subfields are connected by the general goal of learning more about human beings, each attempts to look at different aspects of human life and thought processes. Goals of Psychology Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at /introduction-to-psychology-and-psychological-research-1/introduction-to-psychology-15/goals-of-psychology ?campaign_content=book_5997_section_15&campaign_term=Psychology&utm_campaign=powerpoint&utm_medium=direct&utm_source= boundless Biology, psychology, and society shapes our lives View on Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... > Introduction to Psychology
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Key terms applied psychology The use of psychological principles and theories to overcome problems in other areas, such as mental health, business management, education, health, product design, ergonomics, and law. case study Research performed in detail on a single individual, group, incident or community, as opposed to on a sample of an entire population. cognition Any element of knowledge including attitude, emotion, belief, or behavior. cognitive The part of mental functioning that deals with logic and memories, as opposed to affective functioning, which deals with emotions. hypothesis A tentative conjecture explaining an observation, phenomenon, or scientific problem that can be tested by further observation, investigation, and/or experimentation. psychosocial Having both psychological and social elements. scientific method A method of discovering knowledge about the natural world based on making falsifiable predictions (hypotheses), testing them empirically, and developing peer-reviewed theories that best explain the data. socio-cultural Of or relating to both society and culture. theory A set of interrelated ideas that help make predictions and explain data. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re...
The first psychology lab German physician Wilhelm Wundt (seated) with colleagues in his psychological laboratory, the first of its kind. Wundt is credited with setting up psychology as a field of scientific inquiry independent of the disciplines philosophy and biology. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "Wundt research group." Public domain View on Boundless.comPublic domain on Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re...
Biology, psychology, and society shape our lives Psychology seeks to understand how psychological factors interact with socio-cultural and biological factors to influence individual development. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless. CC BY-SA e-e6930be6bd23 View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA 3.0 906e-e6930be6bd23View on Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re...
The importance of study skills Critical thinking is essential to the field of psychology. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Wikipedia. "Studying." Public domain View on Boundless.comPublic domain on Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re...
Biology, psychology, and society shapes our lives Psychology attempts to study various processes in human life which combine to create the human experience. Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Amazon Web Services. "Boundless." CC BY-SA View on Boundless.comCC BY-SA 3.0 on Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re...
Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... Which of the following concepts do psychologists seek to explore? A) cognition B) personality C) brain functioning D) all of these answers
Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0http:// Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... Which of the following concepts do psychologists seek to explore? A) cognition B) personality C) brain functioning D) all of these answers
Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... Which of the following statements about critical thinking is FALSE? A) Critical thinking is especially important in the "soft science" of psychology. B) Critical thinking aims to identify and minimize prejudice, bias, and other cognitive errors. C) Critical thinking is not necessary in the "hard sciences" such as physics and chemistry. D) Critical thinking enables one to analyze, evaluate, explain and restructure their thinking.
Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0http:// Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... Which of the following statements about critical thinking is FALSE? A) Critical thinking is especially important in the "soft science" of psychology. B) Critical thinking aims to identify and minimize prejudice, bias, and other cognitive errors. C) Critical thinking is not necessary in the "hard sciences" such as physics and chemistry. D) Critical thinking enables one to analyze, evaluate, explain and restructure their thinking.
Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... The overarching goal of psychology is to _____. A) understand the behavior, mental functions and emotional processes of humans. B) understand how groups interact. C) understand how human beings have evolved over time. D) provide medication for people suffering from mental illness.
Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0http:// Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... The overarching goal of psychology is to _____. A) understand the behavior, mental functions and emotional processes of humans. B) understand how groups interact. C) understand how human beings have evolved over time. D) provide medication for people suffering from mental illness.
Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... This type of psychology seeks to understand the behavior and mental processes of non-human animals, sometimes in an effort to shed light on human behavior. A) evolutionary psychology B) developmental psychology C) animal psychology D) comparative psychology
Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Boundless - LO. "Boundless." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0http:// Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re... This type of psychology seeks to understand the behavior and mental processes of non-human animals, sometimes in an effort to shed light on human behavior. A) evolutionary psychology B) developmental psychology C) animal psychology D) comparative psychology
Attribution Wikipedia. "psychodynamic." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "cognitive." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Psychology." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 WIKIBOOKS. "Introduction to Psychology/Introduction." CC BY-SA BY-SA Wiktionary. "scientific method." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 WIKIBOOKS. "A-level Critical Thinking." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 WIKIBOOKS. "Introduction to Psychology/Child and Adolescent Psychology/Research Methods." CC BY-SA BY-SA Wiktionary. "case study." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Wiktionary. "hypothesis." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "theory." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Forensic psychology." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Saylor. CC BY-SA BY-SAhttp:// Wikipedia. "applied psychology." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Comparative psychology." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Evolutionary psychology." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Wikipedia. "Psychology." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0 Boundless Learning. "Boundless." CC BY-SA BY-SA 3.0http:// Free to share, print, make copies and changes. Get yours at Introduction to Psychology and Psychological Re...