Hurricane Katrina Damage Analysis Alex Stern and William Tran
Overview Assess the flood extent and impact created by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans Examining Orleans Parish Duke University
Initial Steps Collect Data Landsat 5 images from August 25 th, 2005 and September 7 th, 2005 Extract to Orleans Parish using Arc Map, Parish shapefile
Classification Supervised classification for both images Landsat 5 bands 1,2,3,4, and 7 Five land cover classes Urban, Vegetation, Wetland, Water, and Flooded Urban
Accuracy Assessment 2005 NAIP 2m orthophoto mosaic Class ReferenceClassifiedNumberProducersUsers Name Totals TotalsCorrect AccuracyAccuracy Class Urban % 40.00% Vegetation %100.00% Wetlands % 45.83% Flooded Water %100.00% Overall Classification Accuracy = 70.67% Overall Kappa Statistics = Class Name Kappa Class Urban Vegetation Wetlands Flooded Water *No accuracy assessment performed on post-storm image
Rough Estimate
Tabulated Data
Flooded Urban
Urban to Vegetation
Water to Wetlands
Tabulated Data
Change Detection 37 sq miles of flooded urban 54 sq miles of flooded land Increase of water and vegetation Urban class lost 56 sq. miles Evaluated over total land area: ○ 134,585 persons displaced, 16,697 housing units damaged Evaluated over urban land area: ○ 281,332 persons displaced, 34,916 housing units damaged Loss of wetlands, errors 4 sq miles of wetlands changed to urban
Problems and Limitations Inaccuracy of classifications Inaccuracy of census data interpretation and analysis Limitation of area analyzed Technical Errors ○ ArcMap conversions ○ Differences in shapefiles ○ Multiple extractions
Real World Application FEMA Military Insurance rates
Questions? NASA/Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS