Great Neighborhoods Budget Games Report Transforming communities with the power of every voice Steve Dodds, Ambassador Every Voice Engaged Foundation
Goals Gather prioritized input from citizens on Missoula’s programs and services Educate both citizens and staff on issues, values, and alternatives to Missoula challenges Provide actionable quantitative and qualitative citizen feedback to Missoula’s leaders
Missoula New Program Priorities ItemProposalCost# TablesRank 4Implement broadband plan $200, Improve park maintenance $200, Conservation & Climate Action Plan: Seed revolving loan fund $200, Double number of trees removed and replanted (from 100/yr to 200) $100, additional police officers for downtown and parks safety $200, Police station facility enhancements $1,000, Wet Housing for Transients $100, Conservation & Climate Action Plan: Implement Foundations $150, Increase neighborhood grants funding $80, Create and implement urban deer management $200, Partner with ArtSpace for live/work rent-fixed housing for artists $250,
Missoula Cost & Revenue Options ItemProposalSavings# TablesRank D.Transfer cemetery ownership $500, E.Eliminate $100,000 in lawn irrigation from Parks $100, G.Extend vehicle/equipment replacement schedule $1,000, K.Increase misdemeanor fines by 10% $150, I.Re-assign Missoula in Motion grant money $300, J.Eliminate Aquatics subsidy $200, B.Increase employee healthcare contribution 2.84% to 12% $180, C.Increase city healthcare deductible by $1,000 $200, F.Eliminate Arts subsidies $100, A.Adjust Non-union employee COLA $150, L.Increase misdemeanor fines by 20% $300, H.Reduce non-public safety, non-union staff to 2006 levels $1,000, M.Increase Streets Division by 2 full time equivalents $300,000 2 N.Accelerate sidewalk building $400,000 2 O.Redo Hillview Way $700,000 1 P.Increase Road District assessments by 5% for each $100,000 in project cost 0 Q.Increase Gas Tax by.2 cents a gallon for each $100,000 in project cost 2
Missoula Budget Game Totals Table #Participants Available to spend (start $575,000) SpentDifference Percentage Spent 16$2,325,000$1,830,000$495,00079% 27$925,000 $0100% 34$1,025,000$780,000$245,00076% 55$855,000$800,000$55,00094% 64$1,705,000$1,700,000$5,000100% 74$2,525,000$500,000$2,025,00020% 85$1,125,000$930,000$195,00083% 96$2,275,000$1,900,000$375,00084% 104$1,325,000$750,000$575,00057% 127$2,275,000$2,230,000$45,00098% 147$1,525,000$600,000$925,00039% 155$1,275,000$1,000,000$275,00078% 176$1,525,000$1,400,000$125,00092% Total Participants70 Facilitators 26 Council & SME's 9
Missoula Ideas Capture Fare free bus system (4) Additional monies toward broadband plan to build out faster Drought tolerant plants Empower the Neighborhood Councils Left turn arrow at Higgins & Broadway Own our own water company Pedestrian policeman downtown Prisoner labor community service Prop. Tax credits for homeowners for planting trees (removal) Property Tax review Raise healthcare deductible to $550 instead of $1000 Reduce FTE’s by 5 or 6 instead of to 2006 levels Reverse the road diet! - undo all the traffic calming Urban deer bow hunting
Transforming Communities with the Power of Every Voice Experienced facilitators provide support and manage structure/process, not outcome Online and/or in-person events, facilitator training Quantitative & qualitative feedback Measurable results Empowered by The Innovation Games Company Every Voice Engaged Foundation Thanks you!