forward Game What do you know about English – speaking countries ? QUIZ Автор проекта: Коновалова Е.Н., учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 5 п.Печенга Мурманской области
Game field What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Btitain? London
Game field Какое растение носит название W Who discovered America? Christopher Columbus
Game field Which country is famous for the bird kiwi ? New Zealand
Game field Who was the first president of the United States of America? George Washington
Game field What is the capital of Canada? OTTAWAOTTAWA
Game field What country is famous for its flora and fauna? Australia
Game field What is the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom ? Elisabeth II
Game field Which country is situated between two parts of the other country ? Canada
Game field What is the capital of Australia ? Canberra
Game field The flag of which country is called “Stars and Stripes”? the USA
Game field Which country consists of four parts having their own capitals ? the UK
Game field What nationality are the famous writers Mark Twain and Jack London? the Americans
Game field What is the capital of the United States of America ? Washington
Game field What is one of the Australia’s most famous and best – loved animals ? the Koala
Game field Canada has two official languages. What are they ? English French
Game field What is the national symbol of Canada? the maple leaf
Game field What is the capital of New Zealand ? Wellington
Game field Which currency is used in New Zealand? the New Zealand dollar
Game field What country is famous with constant floods and cyclones? Australia
Game field What are the colors of the Irish flag? orange green white
Game field What is the international border between Canada and the USA ? the Niagara Falls
Game field How many stars has Ausralian flag? six stars
Game field Which country is called “Oz” or “the Lucky Country”? Australia
Game field Which of English – speaking countries has practically every kind of climate? America
1. Английский язык, М.Б. Биболетова, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубанева, 5 класс, 2012 г. 2. Английский язык, М.Б. Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева, 7 класс, 2012 г. Использованные интернет – ресурсы и литература: - слайд 25 RSLFd5Jqb4IyuXrEEL2g RSLFd5Jqb4IyuXrEEL2g – слайд 26 pTN6hEo5Y9dQ=s107 pTN6hEo5Y9dQ=s107 – слайд 24 XPFUw4SxbYD6fbwNpjOVAXh=s114 XPFUw4SxbYD6fbwNpjOVAXh=s114 – слайд слайд 22 A=s131 A=s131 – слайд 20 Gjz Gjz – слайд 21
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