PRERANA An Initiative for Education and Shelter to Kids in the Red Light Community Districts of Mumbai
History Started in: 1986 Registration No: 372/1990 under the Societies Registration Act Registration No: under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act : (eligible to receive foreign funds under the FCR Act) Prerana started working in the redlight of area of Mumbai in 1986 with a view to end second generation trafficking of children of redlight area- based women Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation & Trafficking (VOCSET), to protect and reestablish the rights and dignity of the women victims of CSE&T based on a very clear rights perspective. Today, Prerana is active on most dimensions of the anti CSE&T work including protection, prevention, vigilance, rescue, post rescue operation, victim care services, prosecution, empowerment of victim women, advocacy & lobbying, legal, policy level and administrative reforms, rehabilitation & social reintegration, generating social awareness, research, documentation, sensitization & training of special functionaries, networking, and capacity building of fellow organizations.
Statistics Prerana in Oct 2008 had: –During the reporting period the center wise average attendance of children at NCCs was NCC I (Kamathipura): 135 NCC II (Falkland Rd.):89 NCC III (Vashi Turbhe, Navi Mumbai): 30 Prerana today (????) has: –During the reporting period the center wise average attendance of children at NCCs was NCC I (Kamathipura): around 150 NCC II (Falkland Rd.): 120 NCC III (Vashi Turbhe Navi Mumbai): around 50 NCC – Night Care Center; ESP – Educational Support Program; IPP – Institutional Placement Program Night Care Centre (NCC): The NCC protects the children of the red-light areas against sexual assaults and the, from traumatizingc exposure to the and undesirable nightlife in the brothels. Prerana invented the Night Care Centre. Institutional Placement Programme: In order to de-link the child from the red light area Prerana strives to help the mothers consider the option of shifting the child away from the red light area into a place that can provide long term residential care and development. Educational Support Programme: Prerana restores the right to education of these children and facilitates their sustained formal education.
Shelter Homes As per the admission procedure, all the children who were newly enrolled in NCC I, II, & III go through preliminary medical check-up at the public hospitals (Nair hospital Mumbai and NMMC hospital Navi Mumbai. A paediatrician regularly visits and examines the children at the KP & FR NCCs on every Thursday. A medical doctor visits the Turbhe Vashi center every Wednesday. Tetanus and Polio camps are regularly held. A session is held for the mothers with a focus on HIV/AIDS and related ARV treatment. Mothers’ meeting is held at times where doctors and others address questions and provide their thoughts on various matters Puppet shows, Summer activities for kids Staff was take on out on a picnic. This was a part of Prerana’s “Anti Burn-Out Programme for its Programme Staff”. The picnic was open for those who have completed one year of service. This is the 5th consecutive year of such an outing. Organized the “Meet the Alumni” event Started Naunihal a shelter for girls, which also provides vocational education
ESP Budget Prerana Budget for ESP Falkland Rd ItemNo.Rate / P.M.P.M.P.A.Head Total INR Programme Manpower Project Coordinator Visiting Counselor Outreach worker Study Class Teachers Sub Total Programmers Scholastic supplies30000 Recreational Material18000 Medical emergency Sub Total96000 Programme Costs Month long Summer Camp Balk Utsav (Children's Festival) Sub Total70000 Administration Administration, office services, repairs and maintenance, stationery, telephones, talk-time, stationery, software support, electricity, printing, postage, photocopies, internet, etc Trave & D A Sub Total72000 Grand Total
IPP Budget Prerana Budget for IPP for 2011 ItemNo. Rate / P.M.P.M.P.A. Head Total INR Programme Manpower Project Head (IPP) Office asstt Accnts Asstt part time Sub Total Programme Costs Residential Outdoor Camps Orphan support (100 children*400 p.a.) Sub Total Administration Administration, office services, repairs and maintenance, stationery, telephones, talk-time, stationery, software support, electricity, printing, postage, photocopies, internet, etc Travel & D A Sub Total72000 Grand Total566000
Prerana Budget for NCC Falkland Rd. for 2011 Item No. Rate / P.M. P.M. P.A.Head Total INR Programme Manpower Project Coordinator Visiting doctor Health cum Outreach Workers Sub Total Programmes Nutrition ( p.m Centre Rent and Maintenance Medical emergency Sub Total Programme Costs Sub Total Administration Administration, office services, repairs and maintenance, stationery, telephones, talktime, stationery, software support, electricity, printing, postage, photocopies, internet, etc Trave & D A Sub Total60000 Grand Total NCC Budget
Expenses for Falkland Road Center Grand Total (INR)Rs.27,00,000 (10,66, ,66, ,68,000) ESP only has 1 coordinator so only 2,16,000 Suggest reducing admin expense from 1,02,000 to 42,000 Camps from 1,40,000 to 70,000 Final Total - Rs. 23,54,000
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