Project Joe Briggie Kenny Trytek Abby Birkett Derek Woods CPR E SE
Needs Statement Large companies have many layers of corporate hierarchy. Financial and data records are sometimes conflicting between various layers/entities. Accurate and comprehensive company records are needed. There is a need for “Data Mastering”: It’s like digitally re-mastering an audio CD or a movie to eliminate glitches and errors. (Companies are like Ogres Onions) Master Copy
PROJECT OBJECTIVE Develop an automated data harvesting tool to collect FDIC and FFIEC records from government websites. Develop a database model to store the records Design a GUI to make them accessible to accountants and analysts for mastering The end result is to save money & ensure quality data for Kingland Systems clients.
SYSTEM DIAGRAM ETL Landing Zone Batch App IBM MDM Server Work Area Denormalized Normalized Employee UI DAL No Conflicts? Client UI Web Svcs.
System shall autonomously traverse publicly available websites System shall parse information from downloaded file in portable document format (pdf) System shall put parsed information into a flat file System shall allow user the ability to create records System shall allow user the ability to edit records System shall allow user the ability to delete records System shall maintain a normalized database System shall expose functionality through web services Functional Requirements
System shall support concurrent users A single run of system shall complete execution in less than six hours System shall be scalable to include more websites than originally specified easily Web services shall be available at all times System shall be completed by May of 2011 Non-Functional Requirements
System shall be written in ASP.NET System shall interact with a third party library to facilitate database interaction The database may not be available at all times CONSTRAINTS
RISKS External site could change its storage format, causing the parser to fail External site may not be available at all times
TASK SCHEDULE – FALL /12/ /16/ /3/2010 Project Plan – Complete Initial Prototypes – Design Document Draft – Design Document –