Categorical Program Monitoring Los Angeles Unified School District
2 Goals of CPM Assure that funds are used for the authorized purposes and that statutory performance goals are achieved.
3 Goals of CPM continued Demonstrate an understanding and need for categorical program integration and analysis. Promote the implementation of on-going monitoring.
4 Background Both state and federal laws require CDE to monitor categorical programs operated by LEAs. State oversight is accomplished in part by conducting on-site monitoring.
5 Background Education Code Section requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to create a monitoring instrument which the State Board of Education (SBE) reviews for consistency with SBE policy. CDE uses the instrument to monitor LEA compliance with specific tenets of the law.
6 The CPM Instrument Consists of items that will be used by CPM Team Members to measure/verify compliance in categorical programs scheduled for monitoring.
7 Each program instrument contains the statutory requirement for that program organized by seven dimensions: Involvement Governance and Administration Funding Standards, Assessment and Accountability Staffing and Professional Development Opportunity and Equal Education Access Teaching and Learning
8 Possible Programs for Review Cross Programs (CP) Adult Education (AE) Child Development California School Age Families Education Program (Cal-SAFE) CalServe (CS) Career Technical Education (CTE) Educational Equity (EE) English Learners (EL) Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) HIV/AIDS Prevention (HIV) Homeless Education (HE) Migrant Education (M) NCLB, Title I, Part A and EIA, State Compensatory Education (CE) NCLB, Title I, Part A: Program Improvement (PI) NCLB Title II, Part A: Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) Physical Education (PE) Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities and Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (S&DATE) Career/Technical Education (CTE) Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)
9 The CPM Process
10 Criteria for School Selection API and AYP Data Compliance history Level of involvement in categorical programs Participation in Title I Program Improvement
11 Identify School CPM Team Members Assign Responsibilities Review each program item Assemble documentation Present documentation
12 On-going Monitoring Ensure that the entire school community is conversant with - district core curriculum source of funding for positions (ADA, SI, EIA-LEP, EIA-SCE, Title I, etc.) the intent of each school program as described in the Single Plan for Student Achievement the ways in which each program’s success has been identified how program modifications have been determined program modifications that have been made – including funding, resources, and strategies the purpose of professional development the funding sources coordinated through SBCP
13 Review for Compliance School Plan/Single Plan for Student Achievement Budget Justification Pages SBCP Component SSC Composition CEAC Composition ELAC Composition On-going Monitoring
14 On-going Monitoring Conduct simulated interviews staff support personnel students parent groups
15 Questions and Answers