Goods, Services, and Growth Throughout its history, Georgia’s economy has been based on producing goods. Its first products were farm products, such as rice, sugar cane, and indigo. Cotton farming came later in the 1700s and was the main crop until the 1920s.
Goods, Services, and Growth Today, farming is not the main source of Georgia’s economy. It does still include crops such as cotton, peaches, corn, tobacco, and peanuts, but manufacturing is important also. The textile industry began in the 1830s and grew after the Civil War. Other products included cottonseed oil, cattle feed, and fertilizer.
Goods, Services, and Growth WWII increased demand for goods and manufacturing expanded to include textiles, transportation equipment, processed foods, chemicals, paper, and plastic. Services are also part of Georgia’s economy and these include legal advice, computer work, trade, finance, real estate, and construction.
Entrepreneurs Georgia began to industrialize in the early 19 th century as entrepreneurs emerged during this period. An entrepreneur is ________________________________. Expenses are the costs for a new business to produce goods and services. Money a business receives from consumers is used to pay its expenses. Remaining money is called a profit. Profit is the main incentive or reason for starting a business. This helps expand and develop the economy.
Entrepreneurs Georgia manufacturing began in the textile industry in the 1830s. Risk is a part of starting a business and an entrepreneur is a risk taker. He or she invests money in a new business not knowing if it will be profitable. A business may lose money. An entrepreneur will research a new business idea to find the chances of success. Entrepreneurs and their businesses help Georgia’s economy. Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Chik-fil-A, Georgia-Pacific, and Home Depot are examples of Georgia businesses that were started by entrepreneurs.
Coca-Cola The Coca-Cola company makes many beverages, but best known for its name same, Coca-Cola. Coke is one of the most familiar products in the world. The company started in 1880 by a Georgian entrepreneur named John Smith Pemberton. Pemberton worked as a pharmacist and created the cola formula and sold it as a health tonic. He had to compete with other tonics that were popular at the time.
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Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines is one of the largest airlines in the country. Delta began as an aerial crop dusting service which sprayed farm crops with chemicals and fertilizers. The company was started in the 1920s by an entrepreneur named Collett E. Woolman. He worked to expand Delta to offer passengers and mail services. In 1929, Woolman bought three planes and started flying passengers between Texas and Mississippi. Today Delta flies passengers all over the world.
Delta Air Lines When Woolman started Delta as a passenger service in the 1930s, his small company had to compete with major airlines. The U.S. government began controlling the airline industry during that time and set ticket prices, flight routes, and schedules. This government control helped Delta to compete and become successful.
Georgia-Pacific Georgia-Pacific is a paper company based in Atlanta. It is one of the world’s top producers of tissue, pulp, paper, packaging, and building goods. The company was the idea of an entrepreneur named Owen R. Cheatham. Cheatham started the company in 1927 as a small lumber mill. He took the risk of expanding his mill into a larger business. By 1938 the company was running five lumberyards in the South. In 1947, Georgia-Pacific bought a lumber mill on the Pacific Coast. The company continues to be successful and produces a wide assortment of goods.
The Home Depot The Home Depot is the world’s largest chain of home improvement stores. It was started in 1978 by entrepreneurs named Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank. Before The Home Depot opened, hardware stores were specialized. A consumer might have to visit many stores to buy the materials needed for one project. Marcus and Blank wanted their stores to sell all of the possible materials a person might need. Operating on a large scale allowed prices to be low. The store employees were able to be experts in home improvement. These ideas had not been tried before and The Home Depot changed the way that home improvement stores operated.