Put the cards into groups – you decide Work out what the new topic is
Put the table the right way round – I cant seem to get it right
TYPE OF INDUSTRYDESCRIPTIONEXAMPLES PrimaryThose industries which use the earth’s natural resources Foresters, Fishermen, Miners, SecondaryThose industries which take raw materials and process them into manufactured goods and products. Football stitcher, tailor, TertiaryThese activities involve the selling of goods, products, services and skills Teachers, Doctors Footballers QuaternaryThis sector consists of those industries providing information systems, such as computing and ICT and R&D Mobile phone researcher
Year 8-Factory size and Industry as a system Objective To explain why factories differ in size and be able to explain industry as a a system Outcomes -I will have listed the differences between large and small factories -I will have drawn industry as a system 9 th January 2007
Steel industry
Bread industry
Ship industry
Furniture industry
Textile industry
Car Assembly
Size Factors - Inputs Raw materials – materials used to make goods in the process of manufacturing Labour – workforce, people who work Capital – machines to manufacture the raw materials Energy – Lighting, heating, electrical equipment
Processes Processing (making) Assembling Packaging
Output Finished products Profit or not?
Size of factories Factories differ in size from the largest e.g s_______, to small factories such as b_____. The size depends on many things including r__ m______, number of w_______, size of m_______ and storage needed for the finished p________. Large factories need large areas of f____ land to build on such as c__ a______ plants which can be over a mile long! teel factory read aterials orkers roducts achines lat ar ssembly
What important things will I need to run a steel works? A good site Market Labour (workers) Raw Materials Transport Power
Scunthorpe Steel Works - Location factors Raw materials needed: Come from: Type of power: Description of site:Workers come from: Types of transport used:
Secondary industry hangman
Secondary industry hangman -----
What is the best site for a factory? L.O. (WALT) To know the factors that make a good site for a factory To explain why the Scunthorpe Steel works site was chosen KS3 level 4 Learning outcome (WILF) A neat list naming location factors To be able to say why Scunthorpe Steel works is where it is