BISD CTE Clusters Business Information Management, Money Matters, or Principles of Information Technology may fit into any coherent sequence. These courses would typically fit in tiers 1 or 2 of the cluster. However, they may also be taken concurrently with other CTE courses as well as other possible combinations approved by counselors, teachers, and or principals. Not every course shown within a cluster will be offered every year. This will depend upon teacher availability, student interest, and principal discretion. Deviation from the sequence of a cluster must be reviewed and approved by the student’s counselor and principal. Some CTE courses may count for a 4 th year science or math credit. These courses are color coded purple in the following pages. Generally, a student must successfully complete Biology, Chemistry, and Physics prior to the CTE 4 th year science. In some cases Physics may be taken concurrently. A student must complete Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II (can be concurrent) for a 4 th year CTE Math course.
Principles of Human Services Principles of Hospitality and Tourism Cosmetology ICosmetology II Human Growth and Development/Child Development Instructional Practice and Education Practicum in Education & Training Child Guidance Practicum in Human Services (possible day care) Travel and Tourism Management Culinary Arts Practicum in Culinary Arts Food Science (4 th year science credit) HUMAN SERVICES/HOSPITALITY & TOURISM/EDUCATION CLUSTER BHS
Principles of Architecture and Construction Concepts of Engineering and Technology (Robotics) Robotics and Automation Engineering Design and Problem Solving ( 4 th science credit ) Engineering Design and Presentation Advance Engineering Design and Presentation Construction Technology Advanced Construction Technology Mill & Cabinet Making Technology Architectural Design Principles of Manufacturing Problems and Solutions (Robotics) Architecture and Construction BHS
Principles of Agriculture Principles of Floral Design (fine art credit) AgriBusiness and Marketing Advanced Plant and Soil Science (4 th year science credit) Agricultural Mechanics & Metal Technologies Agricultural Facilities Design and Fabrication Advanced Animal Science (4 th year Science Credit) Agriculture These sciences are interchangeable BHS
Professional Communications (Speech) Business Information Management (Tech Prep option) Business Information Management II (Tech Prep option) Digital Interactive Media (Tech Prep option) Advanced Graphic Design & Illustration Commercial Photography Statistics and Risk Management (4 th year math) Principles of Information Technology Money Matters (Can also precede or follow BIM or PIT) Accounting I (Tech Prep option) Accounting II (Tech Prep option) Information Technology/Business Management & Administration/Finance BHS
Professional Communications Successful completion of Professional Communications + 1 other CTE course and teacher approval Career Preparation I Career Preparation II Student must be an employable Junior or Senior that is 16 yrs. or older. Work Base Learning Both requirements must be met BHS
Principles of Health Science Medical Terminology Anatomy and Physiology (4 th year Science credit) Pathophysiology Health Science With proper certification other courses may be offered, this diagram represents a minimum option. Health Sciences (only as possible offerings) BHS
Professional Communication Principles of Law, Public Safety and Security Law Enforcement I Law Enforcement II Forensic Science (4 th year science credit) With proper certification other courses may be offered, this diagram represents the bare minimum option Law Enforcement (only as possible offerings) BHS