Kim Blankenship
◦ ◦ Current standard page on GaDOE site ◦ Career websites ◦ Daily plans + homework ◦ Contact information ◦ Tutoring information ◦ How can parents help their students? Worksheets and activities
Check out the power point on my webpage that has “The Rules of the Game” CLASSROOM RULES Respect yourself, your teacher, your classmates, as well as visitors to the class, personal property, and the personal space of others. Listen carefully for and follow directions. Use computers and supplies in the appropriate manner. The Internet is to be used only when given a specific assignment. Dispose of food or beverages before entering the computer classroom.
Connections Behavior Plan A record of student behavior infractions will be located in the student planner on the point sheet. Students will be on a point system starting with 100 points in each class. When a student receives points off in a class, the teacher will notate the offense on the point sheet and also keep a record on a spreadsheet for teacher reference. “N” will be given to a student who has behavior points in the class at the end of the quarter. “U” will be given to a student who has less than 74 points in the class at the end of the quarter. Once a student reaches 70 points, students will be put on a behavior contract.
Connections teachers and courses Class Teacher Contact Information Art Mrs. Gale Connelly Band/Orchestra Jefferson Dole Business and Computer Science Beth Zullo Career Pathways Ms. Kim Blankenship Chorus Mr. Justin Norton Family and Consumer Sciences Mrs. Georgia Heard Study Skills Ms. Jane Cochran Technology and Stem Mrs. Trisha Duff Math Success Mrs. Kim Eidson
Art: Success in Visual Arts is not dependent on talent. Visual Art at Woodstock Middle School begins preparation for dealing with imagery and text that better prepares students of the 21 st Century for contributions to society as they enter the work force of the future. Band, Orchestra, and Chorus: Chorus- Students will develop a greater appreciation of music and the importance of each individual to the performing group as vocalists. The history behind the music being performed will also be discussed during class. Band and Orchestra- Students will strive to improve basic performance skills on their instrument by studying the elements of music such as listening skills, composing skills, and concepts of form, melody, rhythm, harmony, dynamics, texture, and timbre. Business and Computer Science: Business and Computer Science provides students the opportunity to learn to type appropriately, along with becoming familiar with programs within the Microsoft Office Suite. Each grade level will have different programs of study, and will complete projects enforcing new skills. My goal for all students is to let the computer and technology become a tool to make their lives easier and teach them ways to complete tasks more effectively and efficiently. Career Pathways: Students will learn about the personal nature of work and how it relates to them as individuals and as very important parts of society. Students will learn how to apply the subjects that they learn to real life, problem solving, about how to build and maintain a positive self-concept, and use effective personal management skills. Family and Consumer Sciences: In Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) students will learn life skills that will help equip them for independent living. The four major areas of study include Child Development, Foods and Nutrition, Personal Finance, and Fashion/Interior Design. Students will participate in a variety of hands-on learning activities, complete internet-based assignments, prepare class presentations, and cook meals in the kitchen. Math Success: Math Success focuses on providing additional support within the mathematics curriculum. Students participate in authentic activities in order to help make real-world connections and make learning most meaningful to the student. When appropriate, concepts are previewed in order to prepare for upcoming lessons in the students' team mathematics class. Technology: Technology focuses on teaching students the Engineering Design Process. This helps students work in groups to think critically, problem solve, brainstorm, and complete hands-on tasks.
Students will learn about the personal nature of work and how it relates to them as individuals and as very important parts of society. Students will learn how to apply the subjects that they learn to real life and problem solving; how to build and maintain a positive self-concept; and how to use effective personal management skills.