FastPath Creating Pathways with the College Student Success Summit – September 11, 2015 Overview
Before we start… Introductions – –Where do you work in the College? –What do you know or have heard about FastPath? –What questions do you have about FastPath?.
A program to identify, recruit, and connect unemployed and underemployed adults with technical and employability skills that prepare them for a job. FastPath is funded by a grant from the City of Columbus - Mayor Coleman and City Council. Get the job. Keep the job. Move up! What is FastPath?
FastPath – Key Design Principles Short term customized training for in-demand occupations Successful completion of industry recognized credential or certification Entry level employment opportunities that lead to a career and educational advancement Committed employers engaged in design, delivery and hiring –Nationwide Children’s Hospital
Job Training with Embedded Credentials for Career: First three tracks identified and co-designed with Nationwide Children's Hospital –Patient Care (STNA) –Building Services (OSHA-10) - on hold –Food Services (ServSafe TM ) – on hold Added Logistics in July 2015, connecting program to DOL LINCS grant Child Development Associate (CDA) will launch September 14
Employer Engagement Criteria: Willing to engage in program design for the targeted occupations, hire program graduates and provide on-going feedback for program & students To date, FastPath team has engaged more than 50 employers that –participate in mock interviews; –provide feedback on students and program; and/or –hire FastPath graduates.
Program Design: A Path for Those Not Ready GED/Remediation: Assist students with obtaining GED or increasing grade levels in math and language arts –If student has H.S. diploma or GED, goal is 9 th grade proficiency –Use Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE) to assess level
Eligibility AND Suitability Program Participants: Unemployed or underemployed resident of the City of Columbus 18 years of age or older Holds a high school diploma or GED, and scores at the 9 th grade proficiency level Background check (no felonies allowed for STNA or CDA tracks; others given consideration) Drug Screening Eligible to work in the U.S
Scope of Services Assessments and Career Planning –Career Scope Assessment –Career Action Plan –Barrier Identification & Referrals
Scope of Services Support Services –Employability Skills –Customer Service Skills –College and career success skills “Get the job. Keep the job. Move up!” –Computer Basics –Intensive Counseling with Partner engagement Leverage community & workforce partner relationships to identify and remediate success barriers
Scope of Services Job Placement –Engage employers in mock interviews –Nationwide Children’s Hospital (NCH) served as initial partner NCH facilitated connection to OhioHealth, OSU Medical Center and Mt. Carmel NCH is exploring internships opportunities and training for frontline staff Job Coaching –Columbus State FastPath team provides on-site job coaching to support retention
Scope of Services Ongoing employer recruitment, engagement, and feedback Data Collection, Tracking and Reporting –Recruitment, Enrollment, Completion, Placements –Financial Reporting –Lessons learned –Engagement of outside evaluator
Enroll Goal Enroll Actual Complete Goal Complete Actual Place Goal Place Actual Patient Care Building Svcs Food Svcs Logistics (7/16) CDA (9/15) 24 18n.a.14n.a. TOTAL %69% Goals & Outcomes Actuals are as of August 31, 2015 CDA starts Monday, 9/15; enrollment still being finalized - Life in FastPath!?! 3-month Retention is 79%!
Other FastPath Success Nursing Dept. – STNA track; PCA development (Rita Krummen and Sue Nemer) Culinary Dept. – Food Services track (Jim Taylor and Adam Hagar) Skilled Trades - Building Services and Construction Trades (JD White and Andy Rezin) Logistics/LINCS Grant - Supply Chain Management (Scott Wegeng and Tara McCarron) ECDE – CDA track (Dr. Tom Habegger, Charvella McKaye, Stacey Raymond) Columbus State Partnerships
Other FastPath Success Cashiers Office – Cash Handling for Food Service Program (Annetta Keller, Mary Galentine, Abby Peterson) Facilities – Preparation of space for Floor Care program (former CDC) and Logistics programs, (Mark French & team); participant mentoring (Ed Dokes); Disability Services – Test accommodations Columbus State Partnerships
Questions & Feedback Nancy Case Nida Reid-Williamson