DCAT- Last call comments
Editorials & Clarifications From: Aaron Couch Issue: List all properties in ToC and two typos comments/2013Mar/0001.html
Editorials & Clarifications From: Makx Dekkers Issue: relationship between dataset, catalogs (conceptual and physical model) Resolved
Editorials & Clarifications From:Makx Dekkers Issue: definition of dataset require minor editorial changes
Editorials & Clarifications from: Makx Dekkers Issue: concept and concept scheme presentation require minor editorial changes
Editorials & Clarifications from:Makx Dekkers Issue: concept and concept scheme mandatory relation Rewording the text. Making this recommended instead of the current “SHOULD BE” ?
Editorials & Clarifications from: Alasdair J G Gray Issue: DCAT definitions presentation put the definitions in the table comments/2013Apr/0007.html
Changes to existing terms from: Phil Archer Issue: change xsd:date range textual description from use 01 when you are not sure to using the relevant ISO 8601 Date and Time compliant string and typed using the appropriate XML Schema datatype
Changes to existing terms from:Alasdair J G Gray Issue: rename dataset and distribution properties to hasDataset and hasDistribution Seems to be resolved with no changes required comments/2013Apr/0009.html
Changes to existing terms from: Makx Dekkers Issue: states the range of dct:language as dct:LinguisticSystem instead of refs:Resource Agreed wg/2013Mar/0183.html
Changes to existing terms from: Bill Roberts Issue: dct:accrualPeriodicity what's the range? define a property updateInterval comments/2013Apr/0025.html
Changes to existing terms from: Jeni Tennison Issue: license vs. rights Incorporate dct:rights than dct:license, and link to a rights statement that would include licensing and attribution information both for the copyright and for the database right if there is one. comments/2013Apr/0001.html
Changes to existing terms from: Ed Simons Issue: Catalog language is superfluous and ambiguous
Adding new terms from: Jeni Tennison Issue: DCAT & provenance prov:has_provenance as a property of dcat:Distribution and dcat:CatalogRecord comments/2013Apr/0002.html
Adding new terms from:Andrea Perego Issue: dataset version ADMS supports versioning by using terms from xhv. Should DCAT include these? comments/2013Apr/0036.html
Adding new terms from: Christopher Gutteridge Issue: correction One option is properties from openorg: contact and corrections comments/2013Apr/0039.html
Adding new terms from:Bill Roberts Contributor: Andrea Perego Issue: spatial/temporal granularity comments/2013Apr/0025.html
Adding new terms from: Ed Simons Issue: relationships between datasets (e.g. derived from) comments/2013Apr/0068.html
Scope of DCAT from: Stuart Harrison – contributors: Vasily Bunakov, John Erickson, Marios Meimaris, Bill Roberts Issue: Describe APIs – either full API specs – just add link a particular dcat:Distribution to an external concept that describes its access rules and methods comments/2013Apr/0006.html comments/2013Apr/0013.html
Scope of DCAT from: Andrea Perego Issue: Scope of DCAT extend it to information resources. additional class, denoting information resources available in a catalogue, and to define dcat:Dataset a subclass of it. comments/2013Apr/0060.html
Summary- open issues 1.Extend DCAT to describe APIs ? 2.Extend DCAT to information resources ? 3.Add prov:has_provenance ? 4.Add support of dataset versions ? 5.Add contact/correction property ? 6.Reconsider spatial/temporal granularity ?
Summary- open issues 7. Change dct:license to dct:rights ? 8. Change discription of the range of date properties 9. Define a new property instead of dct:accrualPeriodicity