Artur Gsella, Michel Houssiau, presented by Stefan Jensen European Environment Agency Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE EEA, 4 th of November 2014 (updated 21/01/2015)
AQ IPR & INSPIRE: feelings and impressions Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE Comments related to INSPIRE IDs AQ IPR and INSPIRE: Few words about the AQ IPR
- how it was - how it is now COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION (IPR) of 12 December 2011 laying down rules for Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC (CAFE) of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the reciprocal exchange of information and reporting on ambient air quality, notified under document C(2011) 9068)(2011/850/EU) Council Decision 97/101/EC of 27 January 1997 establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution within the Member States Commission Decision 2004/461/EC of 29 April 2004 laying down a questionnaire to be used for annual reporting on ambient air quality assessment under Council Directives 96/62/EC and 1999/30/EC and under Directives 2000/69/EC and 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (notified under document number C(2004) 1714), (Text with EEA relevance) (OJ L156, , pp ) … Air quality reporting in transition: Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
- how it was - how it is now AQ zones (B) Assessment regimes (C) Meta on measurements/ models (D) Primary data (E) Aggregated data (F) Attainment (G) AQ plans (H-K) Exchange of Information (EoI) Near Real Time (NRT) AQ Questionnaire AQ plans Air quality reporting in transition: Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
Air quality reporting in transition: … the work on the data model was a struggle… Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
Air quality reporting in transition: UML class diagrams model the real world Software converts UML to XSD XSD & data combined to generate XML report XML report sent to Eionet CDR Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
- AQ data flows interconnected streamlining duplication and reinforcing internal consistency in reporting data flows - AQ e-Reporting schema one data model, upgrading standards for air quality data encoding and sharing - first steps towards INSPIRE for Air Quality, improved and extended data services (both at the EEA and national) Consequences and opportunities: - replacing old rules for regulatory and informative reporting on air quality to the Commission Air quality reporting in transition: Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
for more information about AQ e-Reporting visit: Air quality reporting in transition: Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
mandatory requirements - AQD e-Reporting schema is complicated mostly due to EC/50/2008, and... INSPIRE does not make it simpler... nested structures - benefits such as inter-comparison capabilities between different environmental domains – still to come… Feelings and impressions on AQ IPR and INSPIRE: Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE redundant links
Items on INSPIRE code lists (many still not defined) Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE Example of mandatory requirements: Elements and information required for ‘competent authorities‘ Elements and information required for AQ monitoring measurements
Looking for the information relevant from the point of view of AQ modeller... Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE Example of heavily nested structures: Meta-data on Air Quality modelling
Meta-data setup for models (data flow D: assessment methods) source: Modelling and objective estimation data model, by Tony Bush (ETC/ACM, Nov 2013) INSPIRE & gml:id INSPIRE / Eionet code list What, how, when is being observed Nation, regional etc. Model / objective estimation Link to zone(s) Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
Meta-data setup for models (data flow D: assessment methods) source: Modelling and objective estimation data model, by Tony Bush (ETC/ACM, Nov 2013) Start & end time Link to model configuration info Geometry of model INSPIRE code list Pollutant Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
Meta-data setup for models (data flow D: assessment methods) source: Modelling and objective estimation data model, by Tony Bush (ETC/ACM, Nov 2013) Detail description of the model area / domain Emission, meteorology, chemistry etc. Grid, trajectory precision or receptor Text Annual, hourly, daily etc. Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
- how it was - how it is now AQ zones (B) Assessment regimes (C) Meta on measurements/ models (D) Primary data (E) Aggregated data (F) Attainment (G) AQ plans (H-K) Exchange of Information (EoI) Near Real Time (NRT) AQ Questionnaire AQ plans Examples of redundant links: Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
AQ zones (B) Assessment regimes (C) Meta on measurements/ models (D) Primary data (E) Aggregated data (F) Attainment (G) AQ plans (H-K) Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
AQ zones (B) Assessment regimes (C) Meta on measurements/ models (D) Primary data (E) Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
Primary data (E) AQ zones (B) Assessment regimes (C) Meta on measurements/ models (D) property OM Obs. Obs. Capability SPP SAM SAMPLING POINT AQ Station AQ Network
AQ IPR & INSPIRE: feelings and impressions Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE Comments related to INSPIRE IDs AQ IPR and INSPIRE: Few words about the AQ IPR NAMESPACE/ LOCALID
Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE Primary data (E) AQ zones (B) Assessment regimes (C) Meta on measurements/ models (D) property OM Obs. Obs. Capability SPP SAM SAMPLING POINT AQ Station AQ Network Think about impact of a change/error in INSPIRE ID in the heavy interlinked data model...
3 other EU MS (AT, DK, FI) implemented AQ e-Reporting limited to up-to-date data Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE 1 non-EU country (NO) implemented full AQ e-Reporting AQ IPR and INSPIRE: 8 EU MS (BE, DE, ES, HR, IE, PL, SE, GB) implemented full AQ e-Reporting
2016: developments related to AQ modelling data extension of data viewers extension of data analysis capacities Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE AQ e-Reporting future activities: 2015: system consolidation evaluation of system scalability to facilitate transition migration of historical data
Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE AQ e-Reporting future activities – beyond 2016: new procedures for QA triggering, outputs and feedback, new procedures for managing the priority data flows at the Agency. the way of harvesting from remote locations - new scripts and procedures, new ways of internal data management, Harvesting official data deliveries from remote services – evaluation and possible gradual implementation. Issues to be tackled might include e.g.:
e-Reporting implementation depending on prior status of data management within countries Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE Complex and rigid system, dificult to modify and adapt to new requirements (domino effect) Lessons learned: Establishing IT structure corresponding to schemas is heavily resource demanding (both in countries and EEA)
‘Let my dataset change your mind set’ (Hans Rosling) Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE ‘Let my mind set change your data set’ (INSPIRE?)
Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 12 December 2011 laying down rules for Directives 2004/107/EC and 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the reciprocal exchange of information and reporting on ambient air quality (notified under document C(2011) 9068)(2011/850/EU): Data flow B: air quality management zones Data flow C: assessment regimes for zones (sampling points within zones) Data flow D: assessment methods: fixed measurements, air quality models, etc. Data flow E1a: primary validated measurements Data flow E1b: primary modelling results Data flow E2: primary up-to-date measurements Data flow F1a: aggregated, validated measurements Data flow F1b: aggregated modelling results Data flow F2: aggregated, up-to-date measurements Data flow G: attainment (aggregation within zones, approved by MS) Data flow H: air quality plans Data flow I: source apportionment Data flow J: scenario for the attainment year Data flow K: measures Transition to e-Reporting and the spirit of INSPIRE