Interview Overview Donna M. Morgan, C-TAGME EM & EM/IM Residency Coordinator Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University/Pitt County Memorial Hospital
Applicant Resources Internet Sites: SAEM Residency Catalog FREIDA EMRA Match Recommendations from others
Residency Recruitment WebsiteBrochure/CDs Residency Fairs Medical Student Clerkship ED involved in Medical School Emergency Medicine Interest Group Activities Social Functions
The Interview Season SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch
ERAS Electronic Residency Application Service Electronic Applications ERAS Post Office FREE to Program!
Applicant Selection Establish Criteria Resident Selection Committee Applicant Invited to Interview Applicant Accepts or Declines
Interview Day Preparation ApplicantFacultyResidents Clerical Staff ED(s) Social Function
Interview Day Orientation Review Salary/Benefits Provide Sample Contract! Interview with PD, Faculty and Residents Tour of Training Site(s)
Post-Interview Interview Day Evaluation Interview Day Evaluation Letter/ of thanks to applicant Letter/ of thanks to applicant
Ranking Resident Selection Committee Objectively Ranks Candidates Ranking Submitted on ROLIC “Match Rules”
NRMP National Resident Match Program ROLIC The “Match”
“SCRAMBLE!” 2 days before Match 12:00 pm EST GET HELP! Multiple Fax machines and telephones Program Director, Faculty +/- Residents Decide Quickly!
Match Day Match List “Match Rules” Announce Contact Matched Applicants
POST MATCH Get current contact information for new residents Get current contact information for new residents Provide new residents with initial appointment information Provide new residents with initial appointment information
POST MATCH Send Out Appointment Packets (Contracts) Evaluate Interview Season Start planning for next year (Budget?)
Attend EMARC
Time out for Yourself! Smell the roses. No one else will do this for you!