2 Where to find us ! Diocesan Caritas
Founded by: bishop Mons. František Václav Lobkowicz DCHOO is a non-profit organization DCHOO is subordinate organization of Caritas ČR 3
What Caritas provides Elderly houses Social rehabilitation Personal assistance Day care Homes with a special regime Sheltered housing Homeless houses Home for mothers in distress Social consulting Minorities (Roma people, Coexistence Village) 4 “Young And Adults For a Better Life“
5 Facilities for ElderlyNumber of Facilities Home care services31 Home for Elderly10 Home with special regime2 Rental of mobility aids13 Elderly houses Number of clients Social servicesNumber of clients Home care services2 790 Home for Elderly380
Good practices for elderly people 1) We cooperate with: – Primary artistic school – Secondary health school – Handicaped children and adults All of them prepare social activities and cultural programme for our seniors (st. Nicolas day, christmas event, Easter program…) 2) Visiting cultural, scientific and musical events by themselves 6
7 Coexistence Village project This unique project should contribute to the mutual convergence of gypsies and majority society The immediate impetus for the creation of Coexistence Village was flash flood in 1997 (affecter areas – Hrušov, Muglinov a Přívoz), the idea was created by civic association of Live Together. In 2010 set in a new social dispersal called Horizont center in social exclusion area of Ostrava – Kunčičky Project results Thirty construction of residential units together with community center and facilities in the area of Silesian Ostrava - Muglinov, Focus not only on housing issues, but on people with whole they needs.
8 Coexistence Village Residents composition Gypsies 50%, 50% of representatives of the majority population (10 gypsies, 10 non – gypsies families and 10 mixed)
9 Social Service in Coexistence Village Registered under Act No. 108/2006 Coll. (206/2009 Coll.) - social services A) Basic social and vocational consulting (§ 37) B) Social activation service for families with children (§ 65) C) Children club (§ 62)
10 A) Social consulting Social consulting runs as an outpatient and fieldwork (in clients’ homes) Most information provided social issues (welfare, social services) employment and labor – relations (job search, CV’s, letters of statement housing (search, social housing, helping to keep existing housing) family child care and interpersonal relationship debt advise
11 B) Social activation service Afternoon club of extracurricular activities leisure, sports and artistic ring for children tutoring and support with school cultural and social events and trips Social activation service for families with children educational and recreational programs (projects: Together in life, Mothers – creative morning sewing Preschool club working time of preschool club is daily for children aged 3 to 7 years from socially disadvantaged backgrounds
12 Afternoon activities Ceramic activities Religion Tutoring Capoiera Drama club Creative activities
13 Afternoon activities Touring activities Taek-wondo Hairdresser's Ping pong Guitar
14 C) Children club Target group are children and youth from 6 – 18 years Leisure opportunities in a safe and stimulating background of Community center Children and youth can advice in addictive substances, sexuality, interpersonal relations with social worker Facilities provide lectures, seminars and other interesting activities
15 Afternoon activities in Children club í
Services of the new dispersal Horizont Social consulting Street work Children club Social housing
Dance peformance (for group 50+) Exhibition of drawing (for group 50+) Conferences – Roma traditional skills, music… (for group 50+) Conferences – Czech culture, history experience… (for group Roma youth) Intercultural festival on Roma day April the 8 th With the seniors participation 19 Roma Youth Seniors Closed by Young and Adults For a Better Life What will be our goal?
20 Types of financing Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Moravian – Silesian Region City of Ostrava OKD Foundation í
21 Thank you for your attention