Database Introduction Section 14 – Lesson 01 Use the student note section below for further explanation of the slide content.Use the student note section below for further explanation of the slide content. Use your mouse to resize the content pane and read all of the student note section.Use your mouse to resize the content pane and read all of the student note section.
14 -2 What’s going on inside?
14 -3 Web-based SQL The SQL Command Processor window allows you to: – run ad-hoc SQL statements (SQL tab) –upload script files to create Oracle database objects (Scripts tab) –browse existing database object data dictionary information (Data tab) The SQL Command Processor window allows you to: – run ad-hoc SQL statements (SQL tab) –upload script files to create Oracle database objects (Scripts tab) –browse existing database object data dictionary information (Data tab)
14 -4 Overview of Web-based SQL Execute SQL statements to retrieve, modify, add, and remove data from the database Format, perform calculations on, store, and print query results in the form of reports Create script files to store SQL statements for repetitive use in the future For this lesson, simply upload, execute and view the sample tables from the Practice Exercise. Execute SQL statements to retrieve, modify, add, and remove data from the database Format, perform calculations on, store, and print query results in the form of reports Create script files to store SQL statements for repetitive use in the future For this lesson, simply upload, execute and view the sample tables from the Practice Exercise.
14 -5 Logging In to Project Marvel From Windows environment: –Enter School Name –Enter username (whatever was generated on original account) –Enter password (whatever was generated on original account) Click on the Script tab. Upload the script to the script repository Run the script under appropriate schema From Windows environment: –Enter School Name –Enter username (whatever was generated on original account) –Enter password (whatever was generated on original account) Click on the Script tab. Upload the script to the script repository Run the script under appropriate schema
14 -6 Preparation: Create the Table ID artist_nametype Bob MarleyReggae Brittney Spears Pop N’Sync Pop ShaggyReggae Jimmy CliffReggae Kid RockRock Third World Reggae Lenny Kravitz Rock Yellow Database
14 -7 Client Database First Step: “The Query” ??SQLArea music SELECT artist_name FROM music WHERE type = ‘reggae’;
14 -8 ClientDatabase SQL Area ? Second Step: “The Cache” Database Buffer Cache music SELECT artist_name FROM music WHERE type = ‘reggae’;
14 -9 Third Step: “Data Disk” Database Buffer Cache Reggae Yellow Man 9 RockLenny Kravitz8 Reggae Third World 7 RockKid Rock6 Reggae Jimmy Cliff 5 ReggaeShaggy4 PopN’Sync3 PopBrittney Spears2 Reggae Bob Marley 1 TypeArtist_nameID SELECT artist_name FROM music WHERE type = ‘reggae’;
Fourth Step: “Redo Log Buffer” ClientDatabase SQL Area Database Buffer Cache music Redo Log Buffer SELECT artist_name FROM music WHERE type = ‘reggae’; or CREATE table MUSIC…
Summary Steps in a database transaction. Components of the the database system. –Cache –Data Disk –Redo Log Buffer Continue entering sample data into the MUSIC table. Steps in a database transaction. Components of the the database system. –Cache –Data Disk –Redo Log Buffer Continue entering sample data into the MUSIC table.