Case study: Connecting data to the Data Provider Sergey Sukhonosov National Oceanographic Data Centre, Russia Expert training on the Ocean Data Portal technology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 2011
Data source types Object data file Structured data file Database
Object data file Supported formats: any data format – Data Provider don’t analyze the content and provide data “as is”. In case if several object data files should be linked to one metadata, they can be zipped to archive. E.g. GIS layer (shp, shx, dbf). The ways to link object data files: specify URL, upload data file to Data Provider server
Object data files - requirements At least one object data file must be linked to discovery metadata. Linked data files call ‘instances’ and have their own discovery metadata. Metadata for instance based on resource metadata. Features: Once data file is uploaded it can’t be updated automatically: only manually. You should add new data file manually via web- interface Instance metadata is not updating by scheduler
Structured data file Supported formats: text file with separator or text file with data in columns with fix positions. Structure must be ‘plain’, non-hierarchycal The ways to link structured data files: Specify URL to HTTP/FTP server, Upload data file to Data Provider server using web interface, Copy data file to local Data Provider filesystem
Structured data file Benefits: Metadata is updating automatically Caching mode In case of using HTTP/FTP data source it’s enough to update data files, Data Provider will synchronize data, update data cache (instances) and update metadata (temporal extent, geographic bounding box,…) Using filename mask (e.g. “.txt”) to specify set of data files
Database Supported databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, … Table structure requirement: one parameter – one column. It’s possible to get the data from one or several tables Benefits: Metadata is updating automatically Caching mode Fast processing of large amounts of data. Flexible adjustment of the data.