Ms. Kelly 8 th Grade Health
The body's defense against germs and other invaders Made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs
First Line ◦ Act as barriers to prevent pathogens from entering body Second Line ◦ Act when tissues are injured or damaged ◦ Signs and symptoms letting you know you are sick Third Line ◦ Act to destroy and remove pathogens
Skin Mucus membranes ◦ Tissues that protect the interior surfaces of the body that may be exposed to pathogens ◦ Secrete MUCUS—a sticky fluid that traps pathogens
Tears/saliva/sweat ◦ Contain lysozome—an enzyme that breaks down the cell wall of certain pathogens Fever ◦ Chemicals are released, increasing body temp. Gastric juices Pain
Macrophages Lymphocytes Antibodies Lymph Nodes Vaccines
Pac-man like white blood cells (WBCs) Consume and destroy pathogens
Specialized WBCs Activate the immune response Helper T-cells ◦ Detect the virus and alert the Killer Ts and B-cells Killer T-cells ◦ Release chemicals to destroy pathogens B-cells ◦ Make antibodies
“Lock” into pathogen (antigen) and destroy it Remain in the blood stream in case the same germ(s) come back Antibodies at work... Antibodies at work...
Trapping stations that help assist in destroying the infection
Small or weakened dose of the pathogen (antibodies), given to activate the immune response