The Cote D'ivoire vs. Kenya Leah Gilmore & Tanner Markus
Goal 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger In The Cote D'ivoire, a vast amount of the population is making under $1 per day Percentage of children underweight
Kenya's Goal 1: Health expenditures: 16.5% Children under 5 underweight: 12.2% GDP Physicians density 0.12 physicians 1,000 population Hospital bed density: 1.4 beds/ 1,000 population
Goal 2. Achieve universal primary education This chart shows the percentage of children that complete primary schooling in Cote D'ivoire
Kenya's Goal 2: On average for literacy age 15 and over and read and write. School life expectancy is 11 years. Education expenditures is 7% of GDP.
Goal 3. Promote gender equality and empower women Ratio of girls to boys needs to be increased beginning in primary schools This chart shows the % of men in Parliament in Cote D'ivoire The following chart shows the % of women who hold seats in parliament
Kenya's Goal 3: 0-14 years: 42.2% (male 8,730,845/female 8,603,270) years: 55.1% (male 11,373,997/female 11,260,402) 65 years and over: 2.7% (male 497,389/ female 605,031) Population growth rate: 2.444%
Goal 4. Reduce child mortality Currently in Cote D'ivoire infant mortality rates are 118 of 1,000 live births This chart shows the % of children under age 1 that are immunized against measles
Kenya's Goal 4: Birth rate: births/ 1,000 population Death rate: 7.26 deaths/ 1,000 population Infant mortality rate: o total: deaths/ 1,000 live births o male: deaths/ 1,000 live births o deaths/ 1,000 live births Life expectancy at birth: o total pop.: years o male: years o female: years
Goal 5. Improve maternal health Many women in Cote D'ivoire are currently giving birth without the help of skilled professionals
Kenya's Goal 5: Maternal mortality rate: 530 deaths/ 100,000 live births.
Goal 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Death rate due to HIV/AIDS in Cote D'ivoire:
Kenya's Goal 6: HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate: 6.3% HIV/AIDS people living with: 1.5 million HIV/AIDS deaths: 80,000 Major infectious diseases: o degree of risk: high o food/waterborne diseases: bacterial & protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, & typhoid fever o vectorborne diseases: malaria, Rift Valley fever o water contact diseases: schistosomiasis o animal contact diseases: rabies
Goal 7. Ensure environmental sustainability There are currently no protected areas in Cote D'ivoire in order to reverse the loss of environmental resources
Kenya's Goal 7: 8% of the land is capable of being cultivated for crops 75% of Kenyan workforce is engaged in agriculture. Interns, volunteers, and donors work with FSD organizations to: o Protect Kakamega Forest o Research various environmental issues and how to fix them such as recycling. o Teach community how to cultivate organic farms and proper nutrition for families o Clean water & waste disposal in rural areas o Support local farmers o Supports elephant sanctuary that generates revenue.
Goal 8. Develop a global partnership for development Debt service as percentage of exports of goods and services and net income from abroad (Cote D'ivoire)
Kenya's Goal 8: Kenya is home to several GBCHealth- involved partnerships that are confronting urgent global health problems. Helps broker partnerships to catalyze private sector engagement in public health. o In 2009 they tried to launch the Health at Home/Kenya Initiative with AMPATH. o In 2010 had a partnership for HIV-Free Generation/Kenya.
Kenya Works Cited graphics_profile.html enya/envopps ips-in-kenya-and-gbchealths-role-in- brokering-them/