Matt Richey President Alex LopezVP Operations Kristen ThompsonVP Ways & Means Juli VanNattanVP Field Ops Sunshine OlsenTreasurer Ken SchiffnerParliamentarian Kathleen OlsonSecretary
Ryan Abbate Phone Now Handling All Scheduling / Player communication Player / Team Issues
Treasurer’s Report Sunshine Olsen Motion to Approve Expenses Fundraising Kristen Thompson
$0.70 per lb of Shoes (approx 1 Pair = 1lb) Banded or laces tied together Ask Relatives to bring them to Thanksgiving or Xmas Ask co-workers Look for free shoes on: Craigslist Garage Sales 200 pairs per Family Goal Jan 25 th pickup MHS
Theme Dinner Feb 22, 6:30 pm 80’s Night Update End of the Year Banquet May 29, 2014 Meadowlark Golf Course
Register Your Von's / Safeway / Ralphs Club Card To Raise Money for MHS Lacrosse! Must Renew every November 1 st JUST Click eScrip Image ( Enter Your Vons Club Phone Number Ralph’s coming soon!!!
Returning Players$600 New Players$750 Jacket Backpack with Name Game Day Polo Shooter Shirt Start tonight with Monthly donations of $100 / $125 to be done by start of season (without fundraising)
MHS Transportation Fee (Non Negotiable) Tournament Fees (Booster Club Pays Part) Equipment Physical (May )
See’s Candy Corporate Sponsors 25% off$500 Corp Sponsor 50% off $1000 Corp Sponsor 100% off$1500 Corp Sponsor
Jerry Lindsay Returns as Announcer Spirit Ware Revamped Corporate Sponsorship Program
Returning Players$600 New Players$750 Jacket Backpack with Name Game Day Polo Shooter Shirt Start tonight with Monthly donations of $100 / $125 to be done by start of season (without fundraising)
MHS Transportation Fee (Non Negotiable) Tournament Fees (Booster Club Pays Part) Fall League Equipment Physical
Corporate Sponsors 25% off$500 Corp Sponsor 50% off $1000 Corp Sponsor 100% off$1500 Corp Sponsor Available Online Flyers now available
Volunteer CommitteesHost dinner EventsBe a Sponsor Participate in all Fundraising Set example for our boys Builds an inclusive environment Helps us improve our program