Lecture 10: IIR Filter Designs XILIANG LUO 2014/11 1
Filter Specifications 2
3 1/T=10kHz
IIR: Impulse Invariance 4 If Then
IIR: Impulse Invariance 5 However, any practical continuous-time filter cannot be exactly bandlimited, we will see aliasing! * if continuous time filter approaches zero at high frequencies, aliasing is small!
IIR: Impulse Invariance 6
7 s-plane pole: z-plane pole:
IIR: Impulse Invariance 8 Butterworth filter:
IIR: Impulse Invariance 9
IIR: Bilinear Transform 10
IIR: Bilinear Transform 11 Stability
IIR: Bilinear Transform 12 s-planez-plane
IIR: Bilinear Transform 13
IIR: Bilinear Transform 14
IIR: Bilinear Transform 15
IIR: Bilinear Transform 16 linear phase in continuous time will not give linear phase in discrete time
Butterworth Filter 17 Butterworth lowpass filter: magnitude response is maximally flat in the passband Nth-order Butterworth lowpass filter: the first (2N-1) derivatives of the magnitude-squared function are zero at frequency 0!
Chebyshev Filter 18 Chebyshev lowpass filter: magnitude response is either equiripple in the passband and monotonic in the stopband (I) or monotonic in the passband and equiripple in the stopband (II). Type-1
Elliptic Filter 19 Elliptic lowpass filter: magnitude response is equiripple in both passband and stopband!
Design Comparisons 20 maximum passband gain: 0dB minimum passband gain: -0.3dB maximum stopband gain: -60dB passband edge frequency: stopband edge frequency:
Matlab SPTool 21
Design Comparisons 22 Butterworth Order: 13
Design Comparisons 23 Chebyshev I Order: 8
Design Comparisons 24 Chebyshev I Order: 8
Design Comparisons 25 Chebyshev II Order: 8
Design Comparisons 26 Elliptic Order: 5
Design Comparisons 27 Elliptic