1 ROOT Team Meeting 29 September 2006
2 Agenda ✦ News ✦ 5.13/04 release status ✦ Unuran: possible cooperation (Lorenzo) ✦ Changes in THtml (Axel) ✦ Tour de table
3 News ✦ John moving to CMS as offline coordinator (January 2007) ✦ LCGAA review news ✦ LHCC ✦ Visitors this week ✦ Miro Morhac: ✦ New package spectrum ✦ New package spectrumpainter ✦ Josef Leibold ✦ Multi-dim random numbers and distributions with Unuran ✦ Visitors next week ✦ Valeriy Onouchin (4 weeks) ✦ Ricardo Vilalta (next Friday) ✦ Atlas news ✦ ROOT used by the accelerator guys and FAIR ✦ CERN School of Computing 2007 ✦ Bug reports and mails
4 LGG/AA, LHCC review ✦ No document (or even draft) summarizing the review ✦ Many thanks to Axel, Fons, Lorenzo for their excellent presentations ✦ I reported to the Architects Forum about our unhappiness concerning various comments made during the review. Point taken. ✦ I made a summary about ROOT status at the LHCC meeting on Monday morning (20’). The main question (like last year) was: ✦ Who is using PROOF or committed to use it in the near future? ✦ I have not seen a summary of the meeting, but I know that the committee asked the experiments to decide asap if they plan to use it or not (3 out of 4 seem to say yes). Wait and see ✦ Main message is that we must be more in contact with the interested experiments and help them testing the system.
5 CERN School of Computing 2007 ✦ Will take place in Dubrovnik (Croatia) ✦ Will include a track on ROOT ✦ Run by Axel and Bertrand
6 accelerators ✦ ROOT old geometry (!) used to model the LHC (Frank Schmidt) ✦ This work has required some optimization in the GL display list management (thanks Timur) (22000 magnets or elements in the geometry at the same level) ✦ Will move to TGeo classes instead ✦ Work presented next work in Chamonix at the international conference for accelerators
7 FAIR-GSI ✦ Juste pour Info: ici au GSI le programme que l'on a developpe pour l'experience CBM (CbmRoot) a ete adopte par la plupart des nouvelles experiences du project FAIR ( Panda, R3B etc..). ✦ CbmRoot est donc devenu maintenant un project officiel FAIR appelle FairRoot. Il a ete discuter dernierement de creer un groupe (FAIR simulation/analysis group) pour developper bien sur les programmes specifiques de simulation et d'analyse mais egalement de participer maintenant plus activement dans le development de VMC. ✦ Les experiences a FAIR montre par exemple un interet particulier au development de TFluka, TGeant4. ✦ Pour l'instant nous n'etions que Mohammad et moi meme, maintenant le groupe s'agrandit et l'on va obtenir 2 nouveaux post- doc bientot. Il serait bon de discuter dans quelles mesures ce nouveau groupe pourrait aider au developement de VMC. ✦ Denis Bertini
8 New package spectrum hist ….. TSpectrum TSpectrum2 …. spectrum TSpectrum TSpectrumFit TSpectrumTransform TSpectrum2 TSpectrum2Fit TSpectrum2Transform TSpectrum3 First attempt to reduce the size of libHist Thanks Miro
9 Spectrum classes
10 New package spectrum Example TSpectrum3 Background estimator
11 New package spectrumpainter Could be in 5.13/04
12 New package spectrumpainter
13 Visitors next week ✦ Valeriy Onuchin (2 ->29 October) ✦ Valeriy will fix a list of problems in various areas (GUI, libAfterImage, TASImage..) ✦ He is investigating a ROOT implementation of a very nice package TkHtml (Open source web browser with full support for CSS, web2,etc). He wants to replace the Tk/Tcl primitive interface with a ROOT-based GUI. ✦ Valeriy is iterating with the project authors. This could be something extremely interesting for the future when combined with the new CARROT2, PROOF and the ideas about BOOT. ✦ I hope that valeriy will be in a situation to run a demo before he leaves end of October. ✦ Ricarddo Vilalta (from Houston) is interested to include in ROOT developments from his team about MultiVariate Analysis. ✦ There is a meeting planned for next Friday afternoon with Ricardo and the TMVA developers + several people interested in Alice
14 Atlas help ✦ Atlas is experiencing very serious problems with their persistency system (both ESD and AOD). ✦ Following some meetings with them this week, it is clear that the performance can be drastically improved. Several simple suggestions have already been made. ✦ I am invited to attend meetings with Atlas next week. ✦ There are people proposing important restructuring of the AOD in particular. ✦ More info at the next meeting
/04 release status ✦ Development release still planned for Wednesday October 11. ✦ No developments accepted in CVS beyond Friday 6 ✦ I assume that what was planned by the work-packages will go in. if not, tell it now. ✦ Do we make another dev release in November? ✦ Fix coding conventions violations
/04 status (Olivier) ✦ - Integrate TSpectrum2Painter. ✦ - OpenGL Slices on TH3. ✦ - Have the possibility from the GL ✦ -Viewer GUI to deactivate the function suppressing small objects. In some case it filters too much. ✦ - Fix the bug: (Graphing points and forcing axis limits)
/04 status (Ilka) ✦ 1. GUI classes - Menus improvements (in cvs) - Tab keyboard navigation (in cvs) - Fix in button classes related to the emitted signals (postponed, keeping the backward compatibility became a difficult task and needs more time) - Changes in number entry class for real numbers (R. Rohlhfs' requested real number changes for their specific needs - next by priority after the Fit panel in my list) 2. GED Editors - Changes proposed by Matevz (in cvs). - TF2/3 editors development is related to the above changes (postponed, the code has to be redesigned) 3. Fit panel - First prototype in progress. Open questions: ~ To be activated via plug-in manager? ~ Where to put it? (because the fit panel GUI is related with hist, graph, tree, fitter libs)? 4. GUI Builder: No info for coming changes. 5. Qt Layer: No info for coming changes.
/04 status (Fons) ✦ Core Splitting TRFIOFile and TCastorFile plugins Support new librfio in addition to old libshift. PROOF Fixes in Package manager as requested by ALICE - Understanding the results obtained during the ALICE test - Modifications in existing packetizer which improves largely the performance with large files with few events - Update the GUI with new features available in the API, allow the GUI to be started on an already running PROOF session, etc. - Latest greatest xrootd
/04 status (Lorenzo) ✦ - Histogram: - replace new Chi2 test routine from Daniel. Add also a new tutorial - fix problem with GetMeanError/GetRMSError with weighted histograms - fix some remaining bug in Savannah (in particular on on the projection of 2D and 3D histograms when they are filled with weights - some modifications in mathmore for 1D functions and adding of routine for 1D minimization from GSL
/04 status (Philippe) ✦?✦?
24 News in THtml ✦ Axel has made several improvements in THtml. ✦ See the new class index and the new classes description with the include, inheritance, members graphs, etc. Give feedback to Axel
25 Bug Reports and mails ✦ See the new Savannah interface Please make an effort to clear as many items as possible Answering mails at roottalk, Forum, rootdev or Savannah must be the top priority. The success of the project depends on that. It is very bad if a mail is not answered within 24 hours.