Current issues in healthcare Blood Pressure Monitoring April 23, 2017
The burden of hypertension Hypertension is one of the leading causes of death and disability in developing countries Increases the risk of coronary arteries damage, heart attack, stroke, among others By the year of 2025, 29% of the adult population will suffer from hypertension* It is an indicator of other conditions such as pre-eclampsia Hypertension is defined as BP> 140/90 mmHg in previously normotensive OR Rise in BP of > 30/15 mmHg compared to BP at baseline *Kearney P, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Muntner P, Whelton P, He J. Global burden of hypertension: analysis of worldwide data. The Lancet, 2005. 365(9455): p. 217-223 Pre-eclampsia Foudation website: Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990 to 2008, WHO 2010 Current issues in healthcare April 23, 2017
Current non-invasive BP systems Different methods are available to measure the BP Electronic Devices Oscillometric Method Systolic BP Diastolic BP Traditional Method Heart Rate Korotkoff Sounds Current issues in healthcare April 23, 2017
Current non-invasive BP systems Different methods are available to measure the BP Electronic Devices Oscillometric Method Systolic BP Diastolic BP Traditional Method Heart Rate Korotkoff Sounds THE PROBLEM? Current issues in healthcare April 23, 2017
The problem Inaccuracy of the oscillometric method Current issues in healthcare April 23, 2017
The problem Inaccuracy of the oscillometric method Current issues in healthcare April 23, 2017
The problem ? ? Inaccuracy of the oscillometric method SBP MAP DBP Current issues in healthcare April 23, 2017
What can we do to improve this? EWH-Oxford developed a low-cost, simple and easy-to-use device with mobile phone connection. However… It uses the oscillometric method Can we improve the blood pressure measurement? (accuracy of BP readings) Can we use information from other sensors? (ECG, PPG, etc …) BP Group website: Current issues in healthcare April 23, 2017