Woodland and Forest Habitat
What is a habitat? The place where an animal or plant lives
What are in forests? Soil, water, plants, animals and trees The land is covered by trees, soil, water and full of wildlife. There are five major layers in a forest
What are the layers of the forest? Canopy Understory Shrub Layer Herbal Layer Forest Floor
Canopy Highest layer in the forest Filled with the largest and oldest trees Owls, hawks and eagles fly and live here
Understory Just beneath the Canopy and above the Shrub layer Middle sized and aged trees Squirrels, cardinals and other birds
Shrub Layer Below the understory and above the herbal layer Shrubs, bushes and small, baby trees Deer feed and hide here
Herbal Layer Above the forest floor Wildflowers and dandelions Ruffed grouse, rabbits and foxes
Forest floor The ground and underground Tree roots, fungi, grass and weeds Earthworms, insects and spiders
What is the top layer of the forest? Name an animal that lives in the understory. What type of plant grows in the shrub layer? Where do dandelions and wildflowers grow? What is the bottom layer of the forest? Review Canopy Cardinals, other small birds and squirrels Small trees, bushes and shrubs Herbal Layer Forest Floor
Wintertime in the forest What do the animals do?
Hibernate Sleep during the wintertime What animals hibernate?
Migrate Go somewhere that is warmer What animals migrate?
Stay Stay in the forest and do what they normally do What animals stay?