Burst Synchronization transition in neuronal network of networks Sun Xiaojuan Tsinghua University ICCN2010, Suzhou
OUTLINE Background Background - Importance of synchronization in neuronal systems - Network of network structures of neuronal systems - Motivation of this work - Motivation of this work Burst synchronization (BS) transition in a neuronal network of networks Burst synchronization (BS) transition in a neuronal network of networks - Mathematical Models - Observed BS transition Conclusions Conclusions
Importance of synchronization in neuronal systems Relationship between synchronization and cognitive behavior Attention modulates synchronized neuronal firing in primate somatosensory cortex (Ref: Nature, 2000, 404: ) Attention modulates the firing rates of neurons in many parts of the visual system (Ref: Annu. Rev.Neurosci., 2000, 23, ) Expectation boosts synchrony in motor cortex: neurons in the primary motor cortex become transiently synchronized when a stimulus appears, or when it is expected to appear but it does not (Ref: Science, 1997, 278: ) Rivalry induces changes in synchrony in V1 (Ref: PNAS, 1997, 94: )
Importance of synchronization in neuronal systems Relationship between synchronization and brain disorders DisorderNeural synchronyCognitive dysfunctions EpilepsyIncrease in local synchrony; evidence for a reduction in long- range synchronization Perception, executive, processes, memory, attention, social cognitive Alzheimer’ s disease Reduced neural synchrony during resting state; evidence for reduced functional connectivity Working memory, perception, attention, executive process Parkinson’ s disease Increase in neural synchrony in the basal ganglia, but also between subcortical-cortical structures Especially motor functioning, but also perception, working memory,attention, executive process
clustered structure (Ref. C.C. Hilgetag, Neuroinformatics, 2004, 2: ) Network of network structures of neuronal system Bars indicate borders between nodes in separate clusters.
Not only clustered but also hierarchy (Ref. C.S. Zhou, et al. New J. Physics, 2007, 9: 178.) Network of network structures of neuronal system Neuronal system is complex and composed by network of networks
Motivation Cited from Ref: Shen Yu et al., PRE, 2008, 77:
BS transition in a neuronal network of networks
Mathematical Models Equations of the discussed neuronal network
Mathematical Models Neuronal Network structure:
BS transition in HR neuronal network Two cases: M=2, consider the effects of inter- and intra- coupling strength, the random link probability on synchronization of the clustered neuronal network M>2, except for the above mentioned three factors, we will further consider the effects of cluster numbers on synchronization.
BS transition in HR neuronal network M=2
BS transition in HR neuronal network
Cited from PRE_77_031920
BS transition in HR neuronal network We turn back to the first equation of Eq.(1) and rewrite it as
BS transition in HR neuronal network M>2
BS transition in HR neuronal network M>2
Under some conditions, coupling strength inside or between subnetworks and the number of links can change the synchrony of a neuronal network, which has clustered structures. The number of subnetworks inside a network also influence the synchrony. Our results may give some implications for the importance of synaptic plasticity in neuronal systems.
Thanks for your attention! Thanks Prof. Qishao Lu and Prof. Guanrong Chen