Grade 3 Big Idea 17: Interdependence Topic XV: SC.3.L.17.1 Plant and Animal Response to Seasons
Benchmarks Big Idea 17: Interdependence SC.3.L.17.1 Describe how animals and plants respond to changing seasons. Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts SC.3.N.1.1 Raise questions about the natural world, investigate them individually and in teams through free exploration and systematic investigations, and generate appropriate explanations based on those explorations. Cognitive Complexity: Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning SC.3.N.1.2 Compare the observations made by different groups using the same tools and seek reasons to explain the differences across groups. Cognitive Complexity: Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning SC.3.N.1.3 Keep records as appropriate, such as pictorial, written, or simple charts and graphs, of investigations conducted. Cognitive Complexity: Level 2: Basic Application of Skills & Concepts Office of Academics - Department of Science
How do plants and animals adapt to changes in their environment? WinterFall SpringSummer Office of Academics - Department of Science
How do plants and animals adapt to changes in their environment ? Office of Academics - Department of Science
Have you ever noticed that plants growing in different environments look different? The roots, stems, and leaves of a plant have adapted to survive in their environment. Office of Academics - Department of Science
What is an adaptation? Office of Academics - Department of Science It’s a trait that helps a living thing to survive.
What is an adaptation? It’s a trait that helps a living thing to survive. Office of Academics - Department of Science
What is an adaptation? It’s a trait that helps a living thing to survive. Office of Academics - Department of Science
Plants and animals adapt to changes in the environment Office of Academics - Department of Science Some animals migrate, some hibernate Some animals grow or shed fur, hair, or feathers
Spring SummerFall Winter Plants and animals adapt to changes in the environment Some plants change in different seasons Some plants go dormant during winter Plants use sunlight, air, and water to make their own food Office of Academics - Department of Science
What is adaptation? It’s a trait that helps a living thing to survive Office of Academics - Department of Science
Animal Migration Office of Academics - Department of Science
Create your own story board Office of Academics - Department of Science Choose 3 different plants and/or animals illustrating how each adapt to their environment in order to survive.
What am I? Where do I live? 1. Cactus Habitat A.Desert A.Forest B.Ocean A.Wetland Office of Academics - Department of Science Plant What adaptations help me live there?
How do plants adapt to survive in the desert? Materials (for each group): Water 1 thin sponge (approximately 4 x 3 x 8/16 inches) 1 thick sponge (approximately 4 x 3 x 1 inches) 2 dishes large enough to hold sponges 2 measuring cups and 2 graduated cylinders Problem Statement: Will a thick sponge (thick leaf) hold more, less or the same amount of water as a thin sponge (thin leaf)? Hypothesis: ______________________
How do leaves adapt to live in different habitats? Office of Academics - Department of Science Procedures: 1.Get one thick dry sponge and one thin dry sponge. 2.Put each sponge in its own dish. 3.Pour equal amounts of water over each sponge. 4.Allow the sponges to sit in the water for a minute. 5.Squeeze the thick sponge into a cup. Use the graduated cylinder to measure how much water is in the cup. Record amount on the data table. 6.Repeat step 5 with the thin sponge.
Data Table Trial Number _______ Sponge SizeLeaf TypeAmount of Water Held in Milliliters (mL) Thick Thin Office of Academics - Department of Science
Claim Evidence Reasoning Claim: Which sponge held more water? Evidence: 1.How much water did each sponge hold? 2.Compare. How much more? Reasoning: Why would a plant with thick leaves like thick sponges in the experiment be better in a desert? Answer: Thick leaves like thick sponges can hold a large amount of water. In places where rain falls infrequently, plants with thick, sponge-like succulent leaves survive the droughts.
Resources Biology of Plants –Plant AdaptationsBiology of Plants How plants live in different places activities Habitats –Review animal characteristics and habitatsHabitats Where Should I Live? Activity from Office of Academics - Department of Science