Evaluating Sure Start Bridgwater Lynnette Chapman Evaluation Officer
Sure Start Bridgwater Trailblazer - Aut 2000 Urban 2 areas - Hamp and Eastover 640 children under 4 Evaluation started - Jan 2001 Nature of evaluation post Collaborative approach
Evaluation planning What have we done? What approach have we taken? What we plan to do next and why How the next stage of the evaluation will work.
Evaluation outline Number of stages to the evaluation Collecting baseline info Specifying need Developing services Themed evaluation
Collecting baseline info Community questionnaire Longitudinal Measure change Startpoint data
Specifying need Eastover Childcare and Community Questionnaire –Courses –Childcare needs Community questionnaire –Focusing resources - e.g. Eastover/Hamp
Developing services Fine tune services Home-Start drop in groups Mobile Library Van Staff satisfaction survey
The approach Action research Feed user views back to the service Usable feedback/non threatening Ownership of evaluation Working with other agencies Avoid over surveying Share and gain access to additional information
Themed evaluation Why themed evaluation? Emphasis change ‘How is this service performing?’ ‘How is this service helping to contribute to Sure Start aims?’ Manageable Focus evaluation back to aims of the programme
Themed evaluation Objective 1: Improving social and emotional development Objective 2: Improving health Objective 3: Improving children’s ability to learn Objective 4: Strengthening families and communities
Themed evaluation Will run each theme concurrently Build up evidence base over time Feed in completed evaluation data
Working with providers Have reviews with providers Link provider and objective May impact on more than one objective List providers by theme
Themed evaluation - an example Monitoring data Visits to Info Officer Children re-registered on CPR Uptake of counselling service No families seen by first contact visitors PND data Parent care worker - case study of impact the work has had on parents and children using the service In depth study of the innovative approach of the work of the Health Visitor and Midwife. The effectiveness of providing a non caseload HV/MW for parents, what this means for working practices. Childminding network How is the network being used? Parents use of the network for respite. Impact of the work with the women’s refuge Complementary therapies Art group Easy access to Health Visitor In depth interviews with Home-Start users to look at how the service is able to support them and their children. Impact of the Male project worker Improving social and emotional development
Themed evaluation - an example Monitoring data No of pre school children needing dental attention via Sure Start dentist and hygienist. No of smoke alarms, stair gates, safety equipment fitted. Hospital admissions data Smoking, breast feeding data Pregnancy Pals group- impact on smoking and breast feeding, levels of guidance and support. In depth study of the work of the Occupational Therapist. How parents/children have benefited from the service. Commissioning of a nutritional guide. How is this used by staff to advise Sure Start families.. Impact of the multi disciplinary training on breast feeding In depth interviews with those involved with the Horticultural worker, the impact it has had for them. Improving health
Themed evaluation - an example Monitoring data Books issued through the Sure Start mobile library New members joining the library at van. Toy library - issues No of childcare places Speech and lang data Advisory staff, Early years teacher, Portage, Ed. Psychologist. In depth look at the impact for staff and children in early years settings, benefits and outcomes. New building works, e.g. new playgroup venue for Greenfields and new play areas in the community - new learning outcomes? Documentary evidence - before and after. What has the impact of the changes to the library services had, change of location for mobile library, greater involvement in children’s venues. Childminding network - study to help disseminate good practice. Improving children’s ability to learn Evaluation of the speech and language project
Themed evaluation - an example Monitoring data No’s accessing training courses No of children living in households where no one is working No’s accessing services of the credit union Documentary evidence through photos of the children’s festival Case study of the impact of the Forest School’s work with children and families In depth interviews with Home-Start users to look at how the service is able to support them and their children. Parent forum - what involvement in the forum has meant for parents Strengthening families and communities Impact of the community café in providing a central focal point for Eastover Impact of the employment worker Impact of the horticulture worker
Summary of approach Baseline Specifying need Developing services Themed evaluation
Conclusion Scope for many different themes Working closely with providers/ programme manager to ensure evaluation is integral part of working Timing the start of your evaluation